Corporate Finanace, an English book by Pearson Berk Jonat
2019-12-21 22:03:36 9.08MB Finance
Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems 的第八版,比第七版多了更多内容!高清非扫描!
2019-12-21 20:19:00 54.59MB 控制系统
The first edition of this book was published in 1980. Many significant changes were made for the second edition (1986), most notably the exercise sets were greatly expanded and the linear transformations chapter of the book was completely revised. Each of the following editions has seen significant modifications including the addition of comprehensive sets of MATLAB computer exercises, a dramatic increase in the number of applications, and many revisions in the various sections of the book. I have been fortunate to have had outstanding reviewers and their suggestions have led to many important improvements in the book. For the ninth edition we have given special attention to Chapter 7 as it is the only chapter that has not seen major revisions in any of the previous editions. The following is an outline of the most significant revisions that were made for the ninth edition.
2019-12-21 19:56:31 7.77MB linear algebra Steven J.Leon
本书被IEEE“Spectrum”杂志称为“电路领域的经典之作”,是欧美“电路”课程采用最为广泛的教材。近些年国内引进了该教材,从该书的第六版开始,至今已经是第十版,国内读者反应良好,被认为是当前所见到的最好教材之一。全书共分18章,系统地讲述了电路的基本概念、基本理论、基本分析和计算方法。主要内容有电路基本元件、简单电阻电路分析、电路常见分析法、运算放大器基本应用电路、一阶和二阶动态电路的分析、正弦稳态分析及其功率计算、平衡三相电路、拉普拉斯变换及其应用、选频电路、有源滤波器、傅里叶级数及傅里叶变换、双端口网络等。书中每章内容均从现实生活中的实际应用展开,进行了详细的说明,列出了详尽的图表资料,安排了大量的例题、评测练习和习题,内容新颖,讲解透彻,非常适合于自学,是一本电路分析的优秀教材。 适读人群 :本书是电气、电子、计算机与自动化等本科专业电路课程的教材,也可供相关学科的科技人员自学或参考。
2019-12-21 19:46:53 6.27MB 电路 CIRCUI
使用Java 语言,实现了皮尔森和余弦相似度公式,供大家参考。
2019-12-21 19:45:50 3KB 相似度 Java