软件介绍: 4G用的PCI分析计算工具,方便自己去规划,自己会用的才是自己的。使用目的:统计异频切换次数发现同频切换中的模三干扰找出测试中重叠覆盖路段寻找乒乓切换锁定越区覆盖站点使用说明:使用路测工具导出PCI原表(包含经纬度、PCI、频点信息),时间格式统一修改。删除原表“空格”部分,以“时间”为列删除重复顶内容; 数据表拷贝到“PCI分析计算工具”中,点击“PCI分析计算 ”,结果可见。
2023-03-30 17:26:51 234KB 其他资源
PCI EXPRESS体系结构导读》学习pcie的很好文档,部分涉及linux操作系统
2023-03-24 16:22:20 66.57MB PCIE
该资料为PCIE M.2规范V1.2版本,PCI Express M.2 Specification Revision 3.0, Version 1.2 June 26, 2019
2023-03-22 09:51:45 9.3MB M.2 PCI-E
PCI Local Bus specification 2.3 The PCI Local Bus is a high performance 32-bit or 64-bit bus with multiplexed address and data lines. The bus is intended for use as an interconnect mechanism between highly integrated peripheral controller components, peripheral add-in cards, and processor/memory systems. The PCI Local Bus Specification, Rev. 2.3, includes the protocol, electrical, mechanical, and configuration specification for PCI Local Bus components and add-in cards. The electrical definition provides for 3.3V and 5V signaling environments.
2023-03-21 16:38:16 2.9MB PCI 2.3
This section describes the primary objectives and scope of the PCI eXtensions for Instrumentation (PXI) specification. It also defines the intended audience and lists relevant terminology and documents.
2023-03-18 14:37:19 4.17MB PXI 规范 PCI
2023-03-17 16:43:01 201.29MB pci-e
PCI_Express_Base_3.0_Specification 一定要收集,官网要会员制才能获得
2023-03-17 05:41:37 4.97MB PCI Express Base 3.0
Section 1. Motivation and Background of PCI Express Section 2. Governing Specifications for the Reference Clock Section 3. History and Objectives of the PCIe Jitter Analysis Methodology Section 4. Overview of PCI Express Jitter Compliance Verification. Section 5. Clock Architectures and Transfer Functions Section 6. Processing Period Data from a Real Time Oscilloscope Section 7. Reference Clock Jitter Specification Limits Section 8. Spread Spectrum Clocking Section 9. HCSL Electrical Specifications Section 10. Interfacing Among Various I/O Standards Section 11. Measurement Tips Section 12. Conclusion Revision History
2023-03-07 19:30:23 1.96MB PCIe
2023-03-07 16:32:25 16.53MB PCIE