List of Fixes for EBF 16640
Following is a list of fixes which are cumulative to this release. Each
fix is listed along with the EBF in which it was first released and the
description of the problem. The list is sorted by the EBFID column.
EBFID BugID Description
----- ------ -------------------------------------------------
16640 558503 When the customer uses a JCM_Sybase connection
cache the second time he runs calls the component
he gets the following error: Error text =
ct_exit(): user api layer: external error: This
routine cannot be called because another command
structure has results pending. fatal When using
either JDBC and regular PB connections he does not
see the error.
16640 556961 The WebForm "Unit of Measure Setup" screen "New"
selection causes an "Unexpected error the browser
will be closed".
16640 556701 Code error in javascript file dwcommon.js
16640 556124 A datawindow with header text that wraps in Win32,
does not wrap in Webforms. They look truncated
and don't display correctly.
16640 555928 When tabbing in a dwc, dddw expands unexpectedly
using IE 6 and columns will then lose their tab
order and cannot be tabbed to. Works ok using IE
7 browser.
16640 555379 When tabbing out of a column to retrieve, the
following error appears: Windows Internet
Explorer Unexpected error was thrown, the browser
will be closed! Please report the error to
administrator. Error: Can't move focus to the
control because it is invisible, not enabled or of
a type tha
2021-11-04 10:26:05