黄国酬 dw2xls pb11.5版,经典哦,不是反编译的哦
2022-01-04 09:49:53 590KB 黄国酬 dw2xls pb11.5版
2021-12-23 09:03:03 7.8MB PB11.5
2021-12-13 09:11:07 194KB pb通过c#实现二维码打印
pb11.5对pborc进行了限制,pb9及以下版本能用pborc非正版都不可再使用, 本压缩包里有pbocr115.dll 4675的跛解版
2021-12-08 00:03:19 82KB pb11.5
读取电脑摄像头列表; 拍照时可以设置生成的图片是否旋转顺时针90度; 图片resize相关函数; 选取图片局部保存成新图片(选择头像); 给图片加文字水印。 两个窗体w_yk、w_test;新加zbar识别条码,识别率还行,测试中发现二维码也可识别。
2021-11-15 09:24:41 8.2MB pb11.5 opencv pbni zbar
List of Fixes for EBF 16640 --------------------------- Following is a list of fixes which are cumulative to this release. Each fix is listed along with the EBF in which it was first released and the description of the problem. The list is sorted by the EBFID column. EBFID BugID Description ----- ------ ------------------------------------------------- 16640 558503 When the customer uses a JCM_Sybase connection cache the second time he runs calls the component he gets the following error: Error text = ct_exit(): user api layer: external error: This routine cannot be called because another command structure has results pending. fatal When using either JDBC and regular PB connections he does not see the error. 16640 556961 The WebForm "Unit of Measure Setup" screen "New" selection causes an "Unexpected error the browser will be closed". 16640 556701 Code error in javascript file dwcommon.js 16640 556124 A datawindow with header text that wraps in Win32, does not wrap in Webforms. They look truncated and don't display correctly. 16640 555928 When tabbing in a dwc, dddw expands unexpectedly using IE 6 and columns will then lose their tab order and cannot be tabbed to. Works ok using IE 7 browser. 16640 555379 When tabbing out of a column to retrieve, the following error appears: Windows Internet Explorer Unexpected error was thrown, the browser will be closed! Please report the error to administrator. Error: Can't move focus to the control because it is invisible, not enabled or of a type tha
2021-11-04 10:26:05 42KB PB
安装PB11.5 后,打3127的补丁,然后将压缩包内的注册机考到安装目录下的Shared\PowerBuilder目录下分别运行就可以了。 保证好用。
2021-11-04 09:45:21 43KB 补丁破解
新版的开发框架,珍藏级的 newui v5.1
2021-11-02 14:24:02 1007KB PB 开发框架
下载的总是病毒,我直接把破解后的PBSHR115.DLL 和PBSYS115.DLL两个文件放上来供大家下载。直接粘贴到\Sybase\Shared\PowerBuilder 即可。
2021-10-30 14:41:16 1.64MB PB 11.5 2506 破解
之前上传的版本不能叫人脸识别,只能叫人脸检测,本次上传的版本实现了人脸识别(人脸采集、训练、识别);还增加了获取摄像头分辨率列表功能;之前版本已有功能:读取电脑摄像头列表; 拍照时可以设置生成的图片是否旋转顺时针90度; 图片resize相关函数; 选取图片局部保存成新图片; 给图片加文字水印;新加zbar识别条码、二维码。
2021-10-27 15:17:39 14.01MB pb pb11.5 opencv 人脸识别