Next Generation Java Testing
2022-05-20 18:19:27 3.53MB Java
Sunvell R69 电视盒子的armbian版本映像 这个是H2+ 1G 8G的 安装后 务必不要升级ARMBIAN版本一定要去掉armbian源,这个盒子4.18 4.19内核无法启动,但是debian 可以正常update Armbian_5.67_Sunvell-r69_Debian_stretch_next_4.14.83.img 大小: 1115684864 字节 修改时间: 2018年11月26日, 12:41:32 MD5: 8C732CB7F55A431BF0D8909CF983423D SHA1: 8A92F814DD02029294B1AE6C5EB02730F4231695 CRC32: AADF9025
2022-05-19 22:35:10 219.5MB armbia r69 debian
DW 2.0 The Architecture for the Next Generation of Data Warehousing DW2.0下一代数据仓库的构架 .pdf ~ 英蒙(W.H.Inmon) (作者), Derek Strauss (作者), Genia Neushloss (作者),
2022-05-09 11:03:13 6.47MB DW2 Architecture Generation DW
NGUI Next-Gen UI v3.12.1 unity 最新版工具,好用
2022-05-04 14:13:16 12.2MB unity ngui
本文实例为大家分享了C语言实现文本编辑器系统的具体代码,供大家参考,具体内容如下 /*文本编辑器editor源代码*/ #include #include #include #include <math.h> #define LEFT 0x4b00 /*←:光标左移*/ #define RIGHT 0x4d00 /*→:光标右移*/ #define DOWN 0x5000 /*↓键:光标下移*/ #define UP 0x4800 /*↑键:光标上移*/ #define ESC 0x011b /*ESC键:取消菜单打开操作
2022-05-03 22:09:43 115KB c语言 next num
注:源码粘贴在报告中。原创,转载请注明。 本实验要求建造一个没有虚拟功能的内存管理系统。任务如下: • 设计一个内存管理器,支持至少两种分配策略, 如first-fit, next-fit, best-fit, worst-fit 等。 • 对不同分配策略的性能进行评估。
NGUI Next-Gen UI v3.7.7(最新完整版)
2022-04-27 09:14:31 19.47MB ui 源码软件 NGUI U3D
NGUI Next-Gen UI v3.8.2 (Apr 02, 2015)(最新完整版)
2022-04-27 09:14:31 19.31MB ui NGUI U3D Unity
Adaptive filters play a very important role in most of today’s signal processing and control applications as most real-world signals require processing under conditions that are difficult to specify a priori. They have been successfully applied in such diverse fields as communications, control, radar, and biomedical engineering, among others. The field of classical adaptive filtering is now well established and a number of key references—a widely used one being the book Adaptive Filter Theory by Simon Haykin—provide a comprehensive treatment of the theory and applications of adaptive filtering. A number of recent developments in the field, however, have demonstrated how significant performance gains could be achieved beyond those obtained using the standard adaptive filtering approaches. To this end, those recent developments have propelled us to think in terms of a new generation of adaptive signal processing algorithms. As data now come in a multitude of forms originating from different applications and environments, we now have to account for the characteristics of real life data: † Non-Gaussianity; † Noncircularity; † Nonstationarity; and † Nonlinearity. Such data would typically exhibit a rich underlying structure and demand the development of new tools, hence, the writing of this new book.
2022-04-14 10:57:58 5.28MB 自适应处理
例子 老规矩,先上一个代码: def add(s, x): return s + x def gen(): for i in range(4): yield i base = gen() for n in [1, 10]: base = (add(i, n) for i in base) print list(base) 这个东西输出可以脑补一下, 结果是[20,21,22,23], 而不是[10, 11, 12, 13]。 当时纠结了半天,一直没搞懂,后来齐老师稍微指点了一下, 突然想明白了–真够笨的,唉。。好了–正好趁机会稍微小结一下python里面的生成器。 迭代器(it
2022-04-04 17:40:45 88KB “人造太阳”计划 next python