unity3d局域网FPS游戏官方示例Multiplayer Networking源代码 教程网址:https://unity3d.com/cn/learn/tutorials/s/multiplayer-networking
2022-04-02 11:43:57 16.99MB unity FPS 局域网
收录在CSDN专辑《WiFi相关技术资料》 Neighbor Awareness Networking Technical Specification Version 1.0(2015/5/1-最新版本)
2022-03-31 17:17:29 2.68MB NAN wifi
network_exporter ICMP&MTR&TCP端口和HTTP Get Prometheus导出器 该导出器收集ICMP,MTR,TCP端口或HTTP Get统计信息,并通过HTTP导出它们以供Prometheus使用。 产品特点 IPv4和IPv6支持 重新加载配置(按间隔或操作系统信号) 动态添加或删除目标,而不会影响当前正在运行的测试 目标可以在所有的主机或指定的人的名单中执行probe 可配置的日志记录级别和格式(文本或json) 可配置的DNS服务器 导出的指标 ping_up出口商状态 ping_targets活动目标数 ping_status :Ping状态 p
2022-03-29 10:31:28 20.13MB http networking monitoring tcp
Storm Unity Networking is a fast, simple and flexible networking solution for server-client multiplayer games. Storm hides you from the complexity of the using sockets, allows to use high-level API as remote procedure calls and synced variables, but it still stays fast. Storm supports both: TCP and reliable UDP sockets. Asset includes a detailed documentation and a simple example.
2022-03-23 17:26:11 992KB reliab Multip Networ
Welcome to the fifth edition of Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach. Since the publication of the first edition nine years ago, our book has been adopted for use at many hundreds of colleges and universities, translated into more than a dozen languages, and used by over one hundred thousand students and practitioners worldwide. We’ve heard from many of these readers and have been overwhelmed by the positive response.
2022-03-20 17:31:24 5.41MB Computer Networking
Red Hat Linux Networking And System Administration (2002)
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Sogou RPC (Sogou Remote Procedure Call).搜狗自研RPC简称srpc Sogou RPC (Sogou Remote Procedure Call) Introduction 搜狗自研RPC简称srpc,主要功能和特点: 这是一个基于Sogou C++ Workflow的项目,兼具: 高性能 低开发和接入门槛 完美兼容workflow的串并联任务流 对于已有pb/thrift描述文件的项目,可以做到一键迁移 支持多种IDL格式,包括: Protobuf Thrift 支持多种数据布局,使用上完全透明,包括: Protobuffer serialize Thrift Binary serialize json serialize 支持多种压缩,使用上完全透明,包括: gzip zlib snappy lz4 支持多种通信协议,使用上完全透明,包括: tcp http 用户可以通过http+json实现跨语言: 如果自己是server提供方,用任何语言的http server接受post请求,解析若干htt
2022-03-17 17:07:40 335KB C/C++ Networking and Internet
Computer Networking A Top-Down Approach(6th) 英文无水印pdf 第6版 pdf所有页面使用FoxitReader和PDF-XChangeViewer测试都可以打开 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除
2022-03-17 15:33:02 8.3MB Computer Networking Top-Down Approach
Pear是用C编写的WebRTCSDK。SDK旨在将IoT /嵌入式设备与WebRTC应用程序集成。 Pear-用于物联网/嵌入式设备的WebRTC工具包Pear是用C编写的WebRTC SDK。该SDK旨在将IoT /嵌入式设备与WebRTC应用程序集成。 注意:该项目正在进行中。 当前,仅支持将H264视频流传输到浏览器。 依赖项libsrtp libnice librtp入门#sudo apt -y install libglib2.0-dev libssl-dev git cmake ninja-build#sudo pip3安装介子#git clone --recursive https://github.com/sepfy/pear#./ build-third-party.sh#mkdi
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2022-03-15 16:10:27 54.8MB Cisco CNA networking