非常好的数理逻辑入门书籍,清晰明白。 比国内的中文书籍讲的好。
2021-09-30 00:11:50 19.73MB 数理逻辑
matlab热导入代码菲克第二定律 该项目描述了波动方程的解,可以模拟菲克第二扩散定律和热方程。 寻找解决这些问题的通用形式的代码很困难,因此我出于这个原因制作了这个项目。 ∂C/∂t=D∇^2 C 该方程是一个二阶非线性偏微分方程。 经常报道三种方法。 精确解析解、有限差分方法和使用卷积核的解。 由于一些原因,精确解析解的实现要简单一些。 有限差分方法推导更简单,但稳定性准则对于小模拟长度尺度和长模拟时间尺度往往很麻烦。 因此,精确的解析解更省时,并在此处提供。 Fickian 扩散与热方程的形式相同。 因此,热方程模拟器可用于通过用浓度代替温度和用扩散系数代替传导系数来求解菲克第二定律。 精确的分析方法。 kwave_diff.m 这种方法需要 k-wave 工具箱并使用 k-Wave bioHeatExact() 函数来求解水中氧扩散的波动方程。 这个概念是模拟来自全氟化碳微滴的氧扩散,尽管这有点简化了概括方法。 解决方案在此处详细描述。 矩阵大小 128x128x128 模拟了 5 个不同的时间点。 初始条件。 半径为 1 微米的单滴被氧气饱和。 该图像说明了不同扩散时间后的模
2021-09-16 16:59:10 3KB 系统开源
欧氏距离matlab代码具有变分自动编码器的q空间新颖性检测 该存储库包含本文的正式实现。 依存关系: Python3 茶野 千层面 麻木 科学的 Matlab的 方法: 在Matlab中实现了基于距离和密度的方法。 其他方法在python中实现。 用法: 要将建议的新颖性检测方法之一与您的数据一起使用,您应该: 在model / Data.py中实现数据加载方法 根据您的数据训练模型 运行建议的方法之一: # test_data = ... nd = NoveltyDetection ( model = 1 ) res = nd . compute_fast_novelty_scores ( test_data ) # ... 对于matlab方法,数据应首先以“ mat”格式保存: # normal_data = ..., test_data = ... nd = NoveltyDetection ( model = 1 ) latent_normal_data = nd . encode ( normal_data ) latent_test_data = nd . encode
2021-09-12 02:25:28 15KB 系统开源
Pattern_classification 第二版 中文版
2021-09-11 09:38:25 17.12MB Pattern_classification 中文版,
这个简单的函数使用三个点作为输入,可以是 2D、3D...nD。 并将计算这个三角形/多边形的面积和角度。 最新版本还支持精确的“正交三角分解”面积计算方法。
2021-09-04 19:22:04 2KB matlab
葛兰素史克GSK-201401-32nd Annual JP Morgan Healthcare Conference_By_CFO.pdf
2021-08-27 18:02:00 556KB 资料 商业计划书
2021-08-26 09:01:54 167KB 行业分类-电子政务-一种Nd配合
2021-08-18 18:02:53 523KB
2021-08-18 11:35:35 2MB sql
My first encounter with the Java programming language was during a one-week Java training session in 1997. I did not get a chance to use Java in a project until 1999. I read two Java books and took a Java 2 programmer certification examination. I did very well on the test, scoring 95 percent. The three questions that I missed on the test made me realize that the books that I had read did not adequately cover details of all the topics. I made up my mind to write a book on the Java programming language. So, I formulated a plan to cover most of the topics that a Java developer needs to use Java effectively in a project, as well as to become certified. I initially planned to cover all essential topics in Java in 700 to 800 pages. As I progressed, I realized that a book covering most of the Java topics in detail could not be written in 700 to 800 pages. One chapter alone that covered data types, operators, and statements spanned 90 pages. I was then faced with the question, “Should I shorten the content of the book or include all the details that I think a Java developer needs?” I opted for including all the details in the book, rather than shortening its content to maintain the original number of pages. It has never been my intent to make lots of money from this book. I was never in a hurry to finish this book because that rush could have compromised the quality and coverage. In short, I wrote this book to help the Java community understand and use the Java programming language effectively, without having to read many books on the same subject. I wrote this book with the plan that it would be a comprehensive one-stop reference for everyone who wants to learn and grasp the intricacies of the Java programming language. One of my high school teachers used to tell us that if one wanted to understand a building, one must first understand the bricks, steel, and mortar that make up the building. The same logic applies to most of the things that we want to unde
2021-08-18 08:14:10 9.32MB Java Threads Lambda Streams