Microgrid_sim 顾问: 和 问题定义 我们将要建立一个关于小型电网的模型,称为“微电网”。 目标是满足微电网的(本地)需求、优化分配、公平要求、可靠和可扩展。 能源资源管理中的(随机)模型 潜在的参考论文: 博尔盖蒂、阿尔贝托等人。 “分布式能源的两阶段调度程序。” 电力技术,2007 年 IEEE 洛桑。 IEEE, 2007. 李,GC,等。 “为区域能源系统管理开发以温室气体减排为导向的不精确动态模型。” 能源 36.5 (2011):3388-3398。 Wong、Steven 和 J. David Fuller。 “在替代电力市场中使用随机优化对能源和储备进行定价。” 电力系统,IEEE Transactions on 22.2 (2007): 631-638。 Wallace、Stein W. 和 Stein-Erik Fleten。 “能源中的随机规划模型
2022-03-27 10:07:08 22.99MB RD
2022-03-26 23:42:17 3.24MB 通信
《全面详解LTE MATLAB建模、仿真与实现》的英文原版,分3个部分深入讲解了LTE标准的物理层(PHY):关键核心技术的理论;简明扼要地讨论了LTE标准规范;用于仿真LTE标准所需的MATLAB算法。 通过一系列的程序,展现了每一个LTE的核心技术。通过一步步综合这些核心技术,最终建立LTE物理层的系统模型并评价系统性能。通过这一循序渐进的过程,读者将会在仿真中深入理解LTE的技术构思和标准规范。
2022-03-17 14:57:07 8.75MB LTE MATLAB
通信的数学理论 A Mathematical Theory of Communication Shannon 香农
2022-03-09 23:22:45 4.04MB 通信的数学理论 A Mathematical Theory
A First Course in Mathematical Analysis Mathematical Analysis (often called Advanced Calculus) is generally found by students to be one of their hardest courses inMathematics. This text uses the so-called sequential approach to continuity, differentiability and integration to make it easier to understand the subject. Topics that are generally glossed over in the standard Calculus courses are given careful study here. For example, what exactly is a ‘continuous’ function? And how exactly can one give a careful definition of ‘integral’? This latter is often one of the mysterious points in a Calculus course – and it is quite tricky to give a rigorous treatment of integration! The text has a large number of diagrams and helpful margin notes, and uses many graded examples and exercises, often with complete solutions, to guide students through the tricky points. It is suitable for self study or use in parallel with a standard university course on the subject.
2022-02-16 10:47:11 2.94MB Mathematical Analysis
Problems and Solutions in Mathematical Finance Volume 1 Stochastic Calculus 英文无水印pdf pdf使用FoxitReader和PDF-XChangeViewer测试可以打开 本人上传的pdf,如果原pdf有水印或书签不正常,本人都会删除水印和修正书签,是全网最好版本
2022-02-09 21:48:22 4.21MB Mathematical Finance Stochastic Calculus
2022-01-30 16:22:16 4.8MB Statistics
This is a book on the mathematical theory of quantum information, focusing on a formal presentation of definitions, theorems, and proofs. It is primarily intended for graduate students and researchers having some familiarity with quantum information and computation, such as would be covered in an introductory-level undergraduate or graduate course, or in one of several books on the subject that now exist. Quantum information science has seen an explosive development in recent years, particularly within the past two decades. A comprehensive treatment of the subject, even if restricted to its theoretical aspects, would certainly require a series of books rather than just one. Consistent with this fact, the selection of topics covered herein is not intended to be fully representative of the subject. Quantum error correction and fault-tolerance, quantum algorithms and complexity theory, quantum cryptography, and topological quantum computation are among the many interesting and fundamental topics found within the theoretical branches of quantum information science that are not covered in this book. Nevertheless, one is likely to encounter some of the core mathematical notions discussed in this book when studying these topics.
2022-01-06 12:29:06 2.36MB Quantum mathematical
Mathematical Statistics and Data Analysis 3rd This is the first text in a generation to re-examine the purpose of the mathematical statistics course. The book's approach interweaves traditional topics with data analysis and reflects the use of the computer with close ties to the practice of statistics. The author stresses analysis of data, examines real problems with real data, and motivates the theory. The book's descriptive statistics, graphical displays, and realistic applications stand in strong contrast to traditional texts that are set in abstract settings.
2021-12-28 10:57:02 6.51MB Statistics Data Analysis