2021-12-06 21:10:08 57.42MB 解码器 xp K-Lite
使用Arduino Mega 2560,5054 LED灯条,DS3231 RTC,IRFZ44N MOSFET晶体管和铝型材制作大型数字挂钟。 硬件组件: 功率MOSFET N沟道× 1 Arduino Mega 2560和Genuino Mega 2560× 1 Maxim Integrated DS3231M - ±5ppm,I2C实时时钟× 1 LED(通用)× 1 软件应用程序和在线服务: Arduino IDE 手动工具和制造机器: 烙铁(通用) 我使用8位PWM进行PIN 10(定时器2)的亮度控制。所以你也可以根据需要调节亮度0-255。使用EEPROM存储器记住PWM值。 此外,时钟显示DS3231板的温度在每分钟30-32秒之间。 SET按钮逻辑: 按钮SET(无按):正常模式下的时钟 按钮SET(首次按下):调整小时 按钮SET(第二次按下):调整分钟 按钮SET(第三次按下):调整PWM值 按钮SET(第4次按下):保存所有参数并返回正常模式
2021-11-30 16:02:39 1.37MB 电路方案
Arduino Mega2560 也是采用 USB接口的核心电路板,它最大的特点 就是具有多达 54 路数字输入输出,特别适合需要大量 IO 接口的设计。 Mega2560的处理器核心是 ATmega2560,同时具有 54 路数字输入 / 输 出口(其中 16 路可作为 PWM输出),16 路模拟输入, 4 路 UART接口, 一个 16MHz晶体振荡器,一个 USB口,一个电源插座,一个 ICSP header 和一个复位按钮。 Arduino Mega2560 也能兼容为 Arduino UNO 设计 的扩展板。
2021-11-22 10:48:36 699KB Arduino_Mega
工程采用Arduino mega2560板子与esp8266模块联调使用,可实现手机端APP温湿度检测、开关LED、烟雾检测等功能。有详细的介绍文档和代码注释,亲测有效。
2021-11-21 20:05:26 7.65MB Arduino mega2560+esp8266 DHT11/22 APP
basic motions -- Unity 人形动画包
2021-11-12 09:00:43 112.1MB unity
Mega-WiFi_R3_ATmega2560_ESP8266 1个 2个 3 4 5 6 7 8 CH340连接到ESP8266(上传草图) 离开 离开 离开 离开 上 上 上 离开 CH340连接到ESP8266(连接) 离开 离开 离开 离开 上 上 离开 离开 CH340连接到ATmega2560(上传草图) 离开 离开 上 上 离开 离开 离开 离开 CH340连接Mega2560 COM3连接ESP8266 上 上 上 上 离开 离开 离开 离开 Mega2560 + ESP8266 上 上 离开 离开 离开 离开 离开 离开 所有模块独立工作 离开 离开 离开 离开 离开 离开 离开 离开
2021-11-05 17:49:51 959KB C++
2021-11-02 15:05:39 1.42MB
A complete Mesh deformation, animation and Morphing system including over 50 modifiers such as Bend, Twist, FFD, Displace, Taper. They can be stacked in any combination and any number of modifiers can be applied to a mesh to achieve complex results. Objects can stretch, squash, morph or be bent over of deformed, whatever your imagination allows. The morph system is the most advanced available for Unity. Recent additions to the suite include Point Cache animation support, a physics based rope system and a dynamic water ripple and floating object system. MegaFiers is written in C# and all source code is included, also it makes use of multiple CPU’s for amazing performance and works on all platforms and with the Free version of Unity. Compatible with all versions of Unity from 3.4 to 2019 and works on IOS and Android and all other Unity platforms. MegaFiers also is fully compatible with all Unity Rendering pipelines. We also constantly update the asset for all new releases of Unity. Also included is an advanced spline system which also allows for path following or conversion of splines to meshes, a dynamic hose system and a system for tracked vehicles, and an advanced mesh wrapping system for applying clothing etc. to deforming objects. Also available on our Website is a set of PlayMaker actions which includes actions for over 50 modifiers and warps. Compatible with all Rendering Pipelines Compatible with all versions of Unity New Feature – Now works with Text Mesh Pro meshes. New Feature – Import OBJ sequences Included Modifiers – Attractor Bezier – Bend – Bubble – Bulge – Collision Deform – Conform – Conform Multi – Crumple – Curve Deform – Curve Sculpt – Curve Sculpt Layers – Cylindrify – Deformable – Displace – Displace Limits – Displace RT – Displace WebCam – Dynamic Ripple – FFD 2x2x2 – FFD 3x3x3 – FFD 4x4x4 – Globe – HIt Deform – Hump – Melt – Morph – Noise – Page Flip – Paint – Path Deform – Pivot Adjust – Point Cache – Push – Radial Skew – Relax – Ripple –
2021-11-01 20:05:37 99B unity
2021-10-29 22:23:55 10.08MB 永久MEGA 究极绿宝石 学习修改
使用mega 2560 上传总是出错保姆级解决教程
2021-10-29 09:03:36 4KB mega2560 上传出错 串口测试