MFC Internals英文版,PDF文件
2021-10-02 22:14:53 10.26MB MFC
Title: Windows Internals, Part 1: System architecture, processes, threads, memory management, and more, 7th Edition pdf转化版 Author: Alex Ionescu, David A. Solomon, Pavel Yosifovich Length: 800 pages Edition: 7 Language: English Publisher: Microsoft Press Publication Date: 2017-05-05 ISBN-10: B0711FDMRR
2021-09-24 16:06:30 80.38MB Windows Internals 7th
Mac OS操作系统 Mac OS X Internal: A System Approach
2021-09-17 16:21:27 24.25MB iOS OS 苹果 系统
绝对经典之作,Windows内核圣经级别的图书,绝对值得永久收藏!!!这个是《Windows Internals》的英文第五版,市面上只有这本书的第四版(潘爱民 翻译)。
介绍DCE RPC的实现机制,以及DCOM如何与DCE RPC绑定,内容对于理解和实现DCOM runtime lib具有重要参考价值。
2021-09-08 09:41:26 665KB DCE RPC
MacOS and iOS Internals, Volume IIIAppendixA全.pdf
2021-09-06 17:01:15 601KB 安全
信息安全_数据安全_us-18-Guilfanov-Decompiler-Internals-Microcode 应急响应 应急响应 web安全 安全建设 业务安全
2021-08-22 21:00:06 1.01MB APT 安全建设 安全 信息安全
(注:由于以前上传附件不能超过15M,所以分成两部分上传,现在可以20M了,只下这个PDF完全版就可以了!) 绝对经典之作,Windows内核圣经级别的图书,绝对值得永久收藏!!!这个是《Windows Internals》的英文第五版完整电子版,市面上只有这本书的第四版(潘爱民 翻译)。
2021-08-04 08:49:40 18.74MB Windows Internals 深入解析windows操作系统
BPF Internals.pdf
2021-08-03 09:05:37 2.82MB bpf
EVEN MORE THAN TEN YEARS AFTER ITS INCEPTION, there is a dearth of books discussing the architec- ture of OS X, and virtually none about iOS. While there is plentiful documentation on Objective-C, the frameworks, and Cocoa APIs of OS X, it often stops short of the system-call level and implemen- tation specifics. There is some documentation on the kernel (mostly by Apple), but it, too, focuses on building drivers (with I/O Kit), and shows only the more elegant parts, and virtually nothing on the Mach core that is foundation of XNU. XNU is open source, granted, but with over a million lines of source (and comments) with some dating as far back to 1987, it’s not exactly a fun read.
2021-07-26 09:48:01 17.18MB Mac OS iOS