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Web API 2 is the latest evolution of Microsoft's web services toolkit, which allows the creation of RESTful applications built on the ASP.NET platform. It provides a standards-based approach and a high-productivity development model that makes it easy to deliver services to a wide-range of clients, including mobile devices.This book puts Web API into context for the experienced MVC Framework developer and dives deep into the tools and techniques required to build Web API applications that integrate with the MVC Framework and shows you how to create single-page applications to consume them.,解压密码 share.weimo.info
2022-03-07 11:06:03 6.64MB 英文
(这个版本不需要License的版本) TS流离线分析工具:  SI/PSI表显示  支持所有的描述子  支持多个版本SI/PSI表  多个视图显示数据  数据量统计  重复次数显示  CRC校验、错误检测  支持TS包/PES包的分析  自定义提取TS包、Section和PES包  附带一个CRC和CSA计算工具 DVB Transport Stream Analyser :  Be able to show SI/PSI Tables  All descriptors supported  Multi-versions supported  Multi-View to show data  Traffic statistic  Be able to show repeat times  CRC verification and ERROR detection  Be able to parse TS packets and PES packets  Be able to retrieve TS packets, sections and PES packets  With a powerful CRC calculation tool and a CSA cipher tool
2022-03-07 10:00:33 1.01MB Transport Stream Analyzer DVB