This is a book about “hacking” electronics. It is not a formal, theory-based book about electronics.
Its sole aim is to equip the reader with the skills he or she needs to use electronics to make
something, whether it’s starting from scratch, connecting together modules, or adapting existing
electronic devices for some new use.
You will learn how to experiment and get your ideas into some kind of order, so that what
you make will work. Along the way, you’ll gain an appreciation for why things work and the
limits of what they can do, and learn how to make prototypes on solderless breadboard, how
to solder components directly to each other, and how to use protoboard to make more complex
soldered circuits.
You will also learn how to use the popular Arduino microcontroller board, which has become
one of the most important tools available to the electronics hacker. There are over 20 examples of
how to use an Arduino with electronics in this book.
You will also learn how to use the Raspberry Pi (a tiny Linux computer) as a tool for
electronics hacking.
Electronics has changed. This is a modern book that avoids theory you will likely never use
and instead concentrates on how you can build things using readymade modules when they are
available. There is, after all, no point in reinventing the wheel.