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学习cocos2d-js游戏开发,虽然cocos已经没落了, 但用这玩意儿开发个小游戏还是很6的.
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《使用Windows Driver Foundation开发驱动程序》 英文chm
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2019-12-21 22:09:30 11.18MB PDF PDF开发
马上着手开发 iOS 应用程序 Start Developing iOS Apps Today 此文档为官方中文文档 用于初学者从整体层次上了解iOS开发
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Game Hacking Developing Autonomous Bots for Online Games 英文无水印pdf pdf所有页面使用FoxitReader和PDF-XChangeViewer测试都可以打开 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除
2019-12-21 21:22:39 6.65MB Game Hacking Developing Autonomous
Developing with Angular 7 &Angular; 7 CLI 2019最新版angular新书 可拷贝 文字版本
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微软MCSA认证考试70-768 Developing SQL Data Models Course OutlineModule 1: Introduction to Business Intelligence and Data ModelingThis module introduces key BI concepts and the Microsoft BI product suite.Lessons Introduction to Business Intelligence The Microsoft business intelligence platform Lab : Exploring a BI Solution Exploring a Data Warehouse Exploring a data model After completing this module, students will be able to: Describe BI scenarios, trends, and project roles. Describe the products that make up the Microsoft BI platform. Module 2: Creating Multidimensional Databases This module describes how to create multidimensional databases using SQL Server Analysis Services.Lessons Introduction to Multidimensional Analysis Data Sources and Data Source Views Cubes Overview of Cube Security Configure SSAS Monitoring SSAS Lab : Creating a multidimensional database Creating a Data Source Creating and Configuring a data Source View Creating and Configuring a Cube Adding a Dimension to a Cube After completing this module, you will be able to: Describe considerations for a multidimensional database. Create data sources and data source views. Create a cube Implement security in a multidimensional database. Configure SSAS to meet requirements including memory limits, NUMA and disk layout. Monitor SSAS performance. Module 3: Working with Cubes and DimensionsThis module describes how to implement dimensions in a cube.Lessons Configuring Dimensions Defining Attribute Hierarchies Implementing Sorting and Grouping Attributes Slowly Changing Dimensions Lab : Working with Cubes and Dimensions Configuring Dimensions Defining Relationships and Hierarchies Sorting and Grouping Dimension Attributes After completing this module, you will be able to: Configure dimensions. Define attribute hierarchies. Implement sorting and grouping for attri
2019-12-21 20:18:01 24.3MB SQL Server 70-768 Developing
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