Google在BSD 3-Clause许可证下开源了Chrome的PDF渲染引擎PDFium。不同于Mozilla基于JavaScript的PDF.js,PDFium是基于Foxit Software提供的PDF代码
2022-10-09 20:16:31 3.55MB PDFium delphi XE 10.1
特别注意:这个版本增加了支持DEVEXPRESS VCL 16.2.2的代码,如果美化DEVEXPRESS VCL 16.2.2以下版本(例如:DEVEXPRESS VCL 15.2.2),编译会报错,需要删掉acLFPainter.pas文件中,{$IFDEF VER16_2_2}; 这样的代码一共出现在4个存储过程声明和实现代码中{$ENDIF}。 最高版本支持Delphi 10.1 Berlin(RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin) DELPHI XE7安装AlphaControls11.22 DELPHI XE7 让AlphaControls11.22改变DevExpress15.2.2皮肤
2022-10-08 09:18:13 263.82MB AlphaControl D7 XE D10.1
一个可以用于delphi 2007,2010及XE系列的Iocomp工控组件
2022-09-25 10:47:30 8.7MB iocomp vcl delphi 工控
//功能描述:线上订货系统订单提交时检查ERP系统库存 //项目背景:因线上订货系统不支持PTO模式(商品有BOM),ERP系统支持,订单提交时需要检查ERP系统中子件库存是否够 //关键字:Delphi XE8、HTTPSERVER、application/json //服务程序运行了几个月,基本正常,偶尔会出现异步操作异常(因所有连接都是共享同一个ado连接的原因) //以下部分关键代码供参考; TMainForm = class(TForm) IdHTTPServer: TIdHTTPServer; StartServerBtn: TSpeedButton; StopServerBtn: TSpeedButton; Label1: TLabel; IPED: TEdit; Label2: TLabel; PortED: TEdit; Timer1: TTimer; HintLabel: TLabel;
Intel(R) Parallel Studio XE 2016 linux 下载地址及License
2022-09-18 09:01:00 885B Intel(R)Paralle
Changelog: ========== 2015-04-23 (5.91) - Fixed: IDEFixPack didn't take into account that DB.TFlatList uses late loading through GetCount - Fixed: fastdcc32/64/aarm in XE7 and XE8 didn't load the CompilerSpeedPack into the compiler's process 2015-04-21 (5.9) - Added: Fix for QC 71270, 76338 and 76379. "CodeInsight doesn't like the underscore." - Added: TStringList.IndexOfName optimization - Fixed: FieldAddress optimization could fail if a published field name was also used in an ancestor 2015-02-15 (5.8) - Added: Compiler cleanup code performance optimization for large packages - Added: If XE7's rlink32.dll is detected in older Delphi versions the "too many resources to handle" patch is skipped - Changed: Installer/Uninstaller doesn't require rtl.bpl/vcl.bpl in the PATH anymore - Improved: IDE Fix Pack StringLists use CompareStringOrdinal instead of CompareString 2014-09-16 (5.71) - Improved: EditorLineBreak.ttr patch not only prevents the file loading but also deletes/renames the existing file 2014-08-25 (5.7) - Added: TObject.FieldAddress optimization for DFM loading - Added: Fix for QC 111917: RLINK32: Too many resources to handle. Instead of 3626 it can now handle 65534 resource items - Added: String function replacements without STRINGCHECKS - Added: Fix for "class operator In" class completion - Added: IDEFixPackReg*.exe supports command line parameter /EXTRACT that extracts the files instead of installing them - Added: Disable creation of EditorLineEnd.ttr 解决 EditorLineEnd.ttr 占用问题
2022-09-04 14:15:59 2.19MB IDEFixPack
这次的含有源码 最高版本支持XE8,只含部分皮肤,不收积分,不收人民币,含源码,要求完美的请购买正版,不喜勿下!完整DEMO和最全的皮肤可以在官方网站免费下载。 亲测可用,仅供学习和交流,请低调使用,如果用于商业用途,推荐购买正版,不喜勿下! 参考教程: DELPHI XE5安装AlphaControls9.04 DELPHI XE5 让AlphaControls9.04改变DevExpress13.1.4皮肤
2022-08-31 23:31:29 2.85MB AlphaControl D7 XE XE7
==================================================================== Coded By : unis Email : Team : none Protection : RSA 2048, SHA1, Custom Greetings : _SiNnEr_[CORE], [MESMERiZE], F0RB1DD3N [tPORt] Thanks to : RageSV, MesSir, delphilover! ==================================================================== How to Use: ----------- 1. Install RAD Studio XE7UP1 RTM with generated Serial Number!!! This is very important step!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do not use any other serial numbers from internet!!! 2. Click "Patch". 3. Enter your Registration Code... Or leave this field empty then the keygen itself readout that code on the next step. 4. Click "Generate Activation File". 5. Start RAD Studio. 6. If application crash at start, exclude bds.exe from DEP. 7. If possible, block internet access from the application! (recommended) --- If you have any problem, pls send me log (right mouse click, on memo -> show Log) --- Enjoy!!!
2022-08-31 18:24:51 1.23MB XE7 UP1 注册机
2022-08-04 21:05:10 3.33MB N32G452xB/xC/xE
Delphi xe7以上均可用,SPComm控件通信,串口通信必备
2022-07-17 15:34:01 44KB 21 31 12