Mastering Cloud Computing Foundations and Applications Programming 英文无水印原版pdf pdf所有页面使用FoxitReader、PDF-XChangeViewer、SumatraPDF和Firefox测试都可以打开 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除 查看此书详细信息请在美国亚马逊官网搜索此书
2022-02-05 23:30:12 34.75MB Mastering Cloud Computing Foundations
Cloud Computing: Web-Based Applications That Change the Way You Work and Collaborate On-Line Computing as you know it has changed. No longer are you tied to using expensive programs stored on your computer. No longer will you be able to only access your data from one computer. No longer will you be tied to doing work only from your work computer or playing only from your personal computer. Enter cloud computing-an exciting new way to work with programs and data, collaborate with friends and family, share ideas with coworkers and friends, and most of all, be more productive! The 'cloud' consists of thousands of computers and servers, all linked and accessible to you via the Internet. With cloud computing, everything you do is now web-based instead of being desktop-based; you can access all your programs and documents from any computer that's connected to the Internet. Whether you want to share photographs with your family, coordinate volunteers for a community organization, or manage a multi-faceted project in a large organization, cloud computing can help you do it more easily than ever before. Trust us. If you need to collaborate, cloud computing is the way to do it. * Learn what cloud computing is, how it works, who should use it, and why it's the wave of the future. * Explore the practical benefits of cloud computing, from saving money on expensive programs to accessing your documents ANYWHERE. * See just how easy it is to manage work and personal schedules, share documents with coworkers and friends, edit digital photos, and much more! * Learn how to use web-based applications to collaborate on reports and presentations, share online calendars and to-do lists, manage large projects, and edit and store digital photographs. Michael Miller is known for his casual, easy-to-read writing style and his ability to explain a wide variety of complex topics to an everyday audience. Mr. Miller has written more than 80 nonfiction books over the past two decades, with more than a million copies in print. His books for Que include Absolute Beginner's Guide to Computer Basics, Googlepedia: The Ultimate Google Resource, and Is It Safe?: Protecting Your Computer, Your Business, and Yourself Online. His website is located at Covers the most popular cloud-based applications, including the following: * Adobe Photoshop Express * Apple MobileMe * Glide OS * Google Docs * Microsoft Office Live Workspace * Zoho Office CATEGORY: Web Applications COVERS: Cloud Computing USER LEVEL: Beginner-Intermediate
2022-02-05 22:32:46 12.1MB Cloud Computing 云计算
1.1 原生OpenStack介绍.zip 网盘文件,永久连接 1.2 FusionSphere OpenStack介绍.zip 1.3.1 运营管理中的网络和镜像服务.zip 2.1 运维架构和管理员层面运维.zip 2.2 租户自运营.zip 3.1 服务器虚拟化灾备详述.zip 3.2 私有云备份方案详述.zip 3.3 私有云容灾方案详述.zip 4.1 Rainbow迁移工具及迁移基础.zip 4.2 Rainbow迁移操作及解决方案.zip 5.1 故障处理简介.zip 5.2 故障处理具体实施.zip 5.3.1 FusionCompute故障处理.zip 5.3.2 FusionCompute故障处理 6.1 服务器虚拟化场景 .zip 6.2 私有云场景 .zip 6.3 桌面云场景.zip 6.4 type1规划设计.zip 7.1 HCIE-Cloud Computing实验大纲解析.zip 7.2.1 安装 7.2.2 安装 7.2.3 安装 .....
2022-01-25 18:02:02 282B 音视频 HCIE
HCIA-Cloud Computing
2022-01-20 09:06:46 25KB IA
《Cloud computing for education- A new dawn》 《Toward dynamic and attribute based publication, discovery and selection for cloud computing》
2021-12-28 12:45:34 3.35MB 云计算 cloud-computing
Chinese : 通过利用云计算架构和服务来进行集中计算,特别是当物联网 (IoT) 场景想要将计算所产生的洞察力反馈给终端设备时,我们会遇到带宽拥塞的实际限制,结果导致高潜伏。 边缘计算随着不同的实现而出现,以逐渐消除这些限制障碍。 当前的网络与边缘计算的成功有关,以便在为最终用户提供服务方面取得进步,例如从当前的 4G 网络基础设施向 5G 增强型网络基础设施的转变。 本文的目的有两个:首先,回顾边缘计算的概念和技术。 这包括云计算、新兴的边缘计算及其实现、现有术语之间的比较以及可穿戴设备场景的概述。 其次,本文对在我们的项目中用于实施边缘计算设置的两种有前途的技术进行了调查。 这些是 Azure 云服务和 Raspberry Pi 边缘设备。西班牙语:Al aprovechar la arquitectura y los servicios de computación en la nube para hacer un cómputo centralizado, especialmente cuando los escenarios de Internet de las cosas (IoT) quieren reaccionar a conpart resultantes de ese cómputo de regreso a los dispositivos finales, entonces nos topamos con limitaciones reales de congestión de ancho de banda y la alta latencia resultante。 Edge Computing llega a existingir con diferentes implementationaciones para eliminar gradientmente estas barreras a las limitaciones。 Las redes actuales se relacionan con el éxito de la informática de la informática de punta para hacer unavance en sus servicios a los usuarios finales,como el cambio de la infraestructura de red 4G actual a una mejorada 5G。 Este documento tiene dos objetivos: en lugar, se ofrece una revisión de los conceptos y la tecnología de la informática de punta。 Esto incluye la computación en la nube、la computación de bordeemergente y sus implementaciones、la comparación entre las terminologíasexistentes y una descripción general de los escenarios de dispositivos portátiles。 En segundo lugar, el documento presenta unainvestigación de dos tecnologías prometedoras que se han Adoptado para implementar la configuración informática de borde en nuestro proyecto。 Estos son el servicio en la nube de Azure y los dispositivos de borde Raspberry Pi。 Palabras clave: Computación en la nube; 波尔多计算; 尼布拉计算; 物联网; 蔚蓝服务。
2021-12-27 16:44:16 802KB Cloud computing edge
来自华为人才在线的HCIA-Cloud Computing V4.0 华为认证云计算工程师在线课程
2021-12-02 12:05:17 3.81MB 华为云计算 HCIA
希望成为云计算工程师的人员 希望获得HCIP-Cloud Computing OpenStack认证的人员 希望具备OpenStack日常运维、故障处理能力的人员
2021-11-21 21:58:17 23.02MB Cloud_Computing OpenStack
云计算 云计算项目和模拟。 使用CloudSim 3.0.0框架和通用工具对云服务进行的模拟。 它有1个客户,代理,数据中心和cloudlet。 cloudlet的虚拟机具有1500 mips(每秒百万条指令),10GB映像大小(10,000 MB),RAM大小为600MB和1 cpu 使用CloudSim 3.0.0模拟云服务特征: 一个数据中心:四台主机,四个内核,每个内核1000 mips,8 GB RAM,100 GB存储(即100000 MB),1 mbps(即8000 Kbit / s,以Kbits / s度量)的网络带宽 一台DataCenterBroker CloudLets:40个Cloudlets /任务/工作负载,40000条指令长度,300 kb输入文件大小,400 kb输出文件大小,1
2021-11-21 18:34:25 6KB Java
华为HCIA-Cloud Computing【云计算】培训教材与实验指导手册.zip
2021-11-19 18:07:56 50.43MB 华为 HCIA CloudComputing