Opportunistic unlicensed access to the (tem- porarily) unused frequency bands across the licensed radio spectrum is currently being inves- tigated as a means to increase the efficiency of spectrum usage. Such opportunistic access calls for implementation of safeguards so that ongo- ing licensed operations are not compromised. Among different candidates, sensing-based access, where the unlicensed users transmit if they sense the licensed band to be free, is partic- ularly appealing due to its low deployment cost and its compatibility with the legacy licensed sys- tems. The ability to reliably and autonomously identify unused frequency bands is envisaged as one of the main functionalities of cognitive radios. In this article we provide an overview of the regulatory requirements and major chal- lenges associated with the practical implementa- tion of spectrum sensing functionality in cognitive radio systems. Furthermore, we outline different design trade-offs that have to be made in order to enhance various aspects of the sys- tem’s performance.
2020-03-09 03:03:19 176KB cognitive radio Spectrum sensing
2019-12-21 22:22:44 4.4MB book
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有书签的 近期,由Frank Hutter, Lars Kotthoff, Joaquin Vanschoren撰写的《AUTOML:方法,系统,挑战》“AUTOML: METHODS, SYSTEMS, CHALLENGES (NEW BOOK)” 221页的草稿版本已经放出,详细讲解了所有AutoML系统背后的基础知识,以及对当前AutoML系统进行了深入描述,Auto-WEKA、Hyperopt-Sklearn、Auto-sklearn等,最后介绍了AutoML的挑战。作者当前正在完成这本新书的编辑工作,它将由NIPS 2018出版发行。
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Serge Kernbach 的《 Handbook of collective robotics fundamentals and challenges 》,讲解了collective机器人的方案,挑战,应用,适合多机器人,swarm方向的同学查看使用
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