AT Command Syntax Table 2: AT Command Syntax Multiple commands can be placed on a single line using a semi-colon (“;”) between commands. Only the first command should have AT prefix. Commands can be in upper or lower case. When entering AT commands spaces are ignored except in the following cases: ⚫ Within quoted strings, where they are preserved; ⚫ Within an unquoted string or numeric parameter; ⚫ Within an IP address; ⚫ Within the AT command name up to and including a ‘=’, ‘?’ or ‘=?’. They can be used to make the input more human-readable. On input, at least a carriage return is required. A newline character is ignored so it is permissible to use carriage return/line feed pairs on the input. Test Command AT+=? Check possible sub-parameter values Read Command AT+? Check current sub-parameter values Write Command AT+=p1[,p2[,p3[.....]]] Write command Execution Command AT+
2022-01-19 11:03:54 968KB AT_Commands_
FiveM命令 FiveM命令如何使用1.下载zip 2.将其放入服务器数据/资源3.转到命令/客户端,然后打开client.lua并更改不和谐链接4.edit server.config并添加启动命令5.重新启动服务器 如果不起作用,请通过Discord Aqua#8579或与我联系
2022-01-10 16:33:05 3KB
Synthesis Tool Commands Version S-2021.06, June 2021.pdf
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2022-01-08 09:08:44 554KB git 文档
L610-CN是一款LTECat1 bis无线通信模组。产品支持LTE、GSM双模通信,同时支持VoLTE、Audio、Camera、LCD、Keypad等功能,部分型号支持WIFIScan或蓝牙。 此文档包括了LTE CAT1的AT命令集合
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Quectel_EM12&EG12&EG18_AT Commands Manual.pdf
2021-12-24 09:01:53 1.6MB 电子开发
SCSI Primary Commands - 4
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2021-12-12 11:59:24 18.72MB SCSI SPC5 SCSI5
This is an internal working document of T10, a Technical Committee of Accredited Standards Committee INCITS (InterNational Committee for Information Technology Standards). As such this is not a completed standard and has not been approved. The contents may be modified by the T10 Technical Committee. The contents are actively being modified by T10. This document is made available for review and comment only.
2021-12-12 11:56:08 2.01MB SCSI SPC