官网下载的,需要15美元呢。Third Person Controller - Humanoid Basics 2.0完整项目;Third Person Controller - Humanoid Basics 2.0 有完整的项目
2021-11-10 14:43:14 11.11MB unity,插件
Spring MVC基础作业 Spring MVC基础作业 作业描述 用Spring MVC实现一个简单的注册功能,不用约会数据库,在内存中保存数据即可。其中用户包含如下属性:ID,用户名,密码,邮箱 注册 注册接口: POST http://localhost:8080/register 要求: 注册时不传ID,由后台自动生成 用户名要求:长度为5到12位 密码要求:必须由字母,数字下划线组成,并且长度为5到12位 邮箱也要符合邮箱的格式 若注册时用户名不符合要求,则返回: { " code " : 400 , " message " : "用户名不合法" } 其中响应码与代码一致,密码或邮箱不合法时同理 若注册时用户名已经存在,则返回: { " code " : 400 , " message " : "用户已存在" } 若注册成功则返回201,无响应体 登录 登录
2021-11-04 07:51:39 69KB Java
SQL数据科学基础 笔记和练习SQL | Coursera专业化| UCDavis 课程1:SQL for Data Science 本课程包含4个模块: SQL入门和选择与检索数据 使用SQL过滤,排序和计算数据 SQL中的子查询和联接 使用SQL修改和分析数据
2021-10-30 17:43:31 2KB
Basics of Linear Algebra for Machine Learning.zip 机器学习的线性代数基础 课程代码
2021-10-23 09:03:49 38KB LinearAlgebra 线性代数 MachineLearning ML
Linux Basics for Hackers 中文版
2021-10-22 08:22:56 5.58MB Linux  Hacker
Docker and Docker Compose Basics Homework Homework for Docker and Docker Compose Basics 作业内容 本项目包含alice和bob两个Spring Boot服务的骨架。 请在两个服务中分别添加/hello接口 alice的/hello接口直接调用bob的/hello接口 bob的/hello接口返回"Hello from Bob!"字符串 通过Dockerfile和Docker Compose将两个服务部署起来,使得可以访问alice的/hello接口 最终效果: 浏览器访问http://localhost:8080/hello 返回"Hello from Bob!"字符串 提示: 可以用RestTemplate实现接口调用 接口调用时的host是Docker Compose中定义的服务名
2021-10-08 17:14:34 184KB Java
Basics of Linear Algebra for Machine Learning: Discover the Mathematical Language of Data in Python By 作者: Jason Brownlee Pub Date: 2018 ISBN: n/a Pages: 212 Language: English Format: PDF Linear algebra is a pillar of machine learning. You cannot develop a deep understanding and application of machine learning without it. In this new laser-focused Ebook written in the friendly Machine Learning Mastery style that you’re used to, you will finally cut through the equations, Greek letters, and confusion, and discover the topics in linear algebra that you need to know. Using clear explanations, standard Python libraries, and step-by-step tutorial lessons, you will discover what linear algebra is, the importance of linear algebra to machine learning, vector, and matrix operations, matrix factorization, principal component analysis, and much more. This book was designed to be a crash course in linear algebra for machine learning practitioners. Ideally, those with a background as a developer. This book was designed around major data structures, operations, and techniques in linear algebra that are directly relevant to machine learning algorithms. There are a lot of things you could learn about linear algebra, from theory to abstract concepts to APIs. My goal is to take you straight to developing an intuition for the elements you must understand with laser-focused tutorials. I designed the tutorials to focus on how to get things done with linear algebra. They give you the tools to both rapidly understand and apply each technique or operation. Each tutorial is designed to take you about one hour to read through and complete, excluding the extensions and further reading. You can choose to work through the lessons one per day, one per week, or at your own pace. I think momentum is critically important, and this book is intended to be read and used, not to sit idle. I would recommend picking a schedule and sticking to it. The tutorials are divided into five parts: Foundation. D
2021-10-07 19:01:35 1.19MB Mathematics
Oracle Application Express 5.1 Basics & Beyond
2021-09-19 01:17:31 5.61MB Oracle Application Express
This book provides a clear introduction to topics which are essential to students in a wide range of scientific disciplines but which are otherwise only covered in speed and mathematically detailed texts. It shows how crystal structures may be built up from simple ideas of atomic packing and co-ordination, it develops the concepts of crystal symmetry, point and space groups by way of two dimensional examples of patterns and tilings, it explains the concept of the reciprocal lattice in simple terms and shows its importance in an understanding of light, X-ray and electron diffraction. Practical examples of the applications of these techniques are described and also the importance of diffraction in the performance of optical instruments.
2021-09-13 05:53:25 5.59MB Crystallography Diffraction
2021-09-10 14:01:02 1.42MB IA