Byte Buddy runtime code generation for the Java virtual machine Byte Buddy is a code generation and manipulation library for creating and modifying Java classes during the runtime of a Java application and without the help of a compiler. Other than the code generation utilities that ship with the Java Class Library, Byte Buddy allows the creation of arbitrary classes and is not limited to implementing interfaces for the creation of runtime proxies. Furthermore, Byte Buddy offers a c
2022-11-01 08:57:26 136.07MB Android代码
PLDroidShortVideo PLDroidShortVideo 是七牛推出的一款适用于 Android 平台的短视频 SDK,提供了包括美颜、滤镜、水印、断点录制、分段回删、视频编辑、混音特效、本地/云端存储在内的多种功能,支持高度定制以及二次开发。 1. 功能列表 短视频 SDK 的功能,主要分为 3 大块:拍摄、编辑、上传。 1.1 拍摄功能 功能点 版本 摄像头采集 1.0.0( ) 麦克风采集 1.0.0( ) 静音功能 1.0.0( ) 实时美颜 1.0.0( ) 贴纸特效 1.0.0( ) 大眼/瘦脸 1.0.0( ) 闪光灯开关 1.0.0( ) 第三方美颜接口 1.0.0( ) 第三方滤镜接口 1.0.0( ) 自定义拍摄时长 1.0.0( ) 自定义分辨率 1.0.0( ) 自定义视频帧率 1.0.0( ) 自定义视频码率 1.0.0( ) 支持 1:1 正方形录制 1.0.0( ) 断点拍摄(多段录制) 1.0.0( ) 回删视频 1.0.0( ) H.264 硬编 1.0.0(
2022-10-29 19:09:02 75.1MB Android代码
2022-09-26 10:29:40 735KB android
适合有一定安卓开发经验的工程师,本套课程将介绍和了解Maven仓库的作用,以及安卓开发中常用的几大Maven库的优缺点。然后从中选择一个入手最为简单的Maven仓库Jitpack为例,教大家如果把自已编写的Android Library库发布到Jitpack这个Maven仓库中去,以及在发布过程中需要注意的事项,最后掌握这项技能。
2022-09-23 17:07:11 77KB 代码
Odoo Mobile Messaging Client v2.0 Odoo Mobile Client is Enterprise Social Client based on Android, enables you to access your Odoo Wall Messages from inbox and groups, encourage you to updated with companies' current activities for which you are responsible. Major Features : Offline Access Multiple Account Support Message with multiple file attachment. Odoo Instances (saas) Login Supported Odoo Version: Odoo 7.0 Write Feedback on : Download from PlayStore :
2022-09-20 07:16:20 2.07MB Android代码
脑残奥运 头大刷题安卓应用 截图 License Copyright 2017 ChyengJason Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the sp
2022-08-23 01:17:57 4.44MB Android代码
包含isoparser-1.1.22.jar,isoviewer-1.0-RC-27.jar,isoviewer-1.0-RC-27 (2).jar,isoviewer-1.0-RC-35.jar共四个版本的jar包。用于Android代码对视频拼接,剪切等处理。每个版本有不同的情况,个人最终使用isoparser-1.1.22.jar完成视频拼接功能
2022-08-18 13:03:36 3.64MB android 视频处理 拼接 isoparser
2022-08-13 14:28:34 704KB android
2022-07-25 13:53:37 2.6MB android
2022-07-18 15:21:23 1.95MB android