滤波器设计教程 Practical.Analog.and.Digital.Filter.Design_MAZ.pdf 很不错,与大家分享一下!!!!!!!!!!
2021-11-28 23:09:25 1.98MB 滤波器设计
CMOS 模拟IC设计-艾伦 课件 适合模拟IC入门自学者配合Allen同名书籍使用 Phillip Allen received his PhD in electrical engineering from the University of Kansas in 1970. He retired from the School of Electrical Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology as Professor Emeritus in 2005. He has worked for the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, Pacific Missile Range, Texas Instruments and consulted with numerous companies. He has taught at the University of Nevada at Reno, University of Kansas, University of California at Santa Barbara, and Texas A&M University. His technical interest include analog integrated circuit and systems design with focus on implementing low voltage and high frequency circuits and systems in standard CMOS technology. He has conducted research in frequency synthesizers, RF, IF, and baseband filters compatible with standard IC technology. He has over 60 refereed publications in the area of analog circuits and has coauthored Theory and Design of Active Filters (1980), Switched Capacitor Filters (1984), CMOS Analog Circuit Design (1987), and VLSI Design Techniques for Analog and Digital Circuits (1990). He is presently active in teaching short courses on analog IC design to professionals worldwide. 2004 Short Course Notes: Chapter 1 - introduction Chapter 2 - Technology Chapter 3 - Models Chapter 4 - Subcircuits Chapter 5 - Amplifiers Chapter 6 - Op amps Chapter 7 - High performance op amps Chapter 8 - Comparators Chapter 9 - Switched capacitor circuits Chapter 10 - AD and DA converters
2021-11-24 09:53:20 11.01MB 模拟IC 模拟集成电路 CMOS 艾伦Allen
Oxford University Press, Inc., publishes works that further Oxford University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education. Oxford New York Auckland Cape Town Dar es Salaam Hong Kong Karachi Kuala Lumpur Madrid Melbourne Mexico City Nairobi New Delhi Shanghai Taipei Toronto With offices in Argentina Austria Brazil Chile Czech Republic France Greece Guatemala Hungary Italy Japan Poland Portugal Singapore South Korea Switzerland Thailand Turkey Ukraine Vietnam Copyright© 1983 by CBS College Publishing; © 1989 by B. P. Lathi & Saunders College Publishing, a division of Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, Inc.;© 1995, 1998, 2010 by B. P. Lathi
2021-11-19 10:56:03 29.48MB 数字电路 模拟通信
用于 Demorad 的 Phased Array System Toolbox(TM) 插件支持 MATLAB(R) 和 Analog Devices(R) Demorad 雷达传感器平台之间的通信。 该附加组件使用户能够配置由 Demorad 传输的 FMCW 波形,并收集来自这些啁啾声的反射以直接在 MATLAB(R) 中进行处理。
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Razavi Analog CMOS课后习题答案
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自由 与Linux IIO设备接口的库 libiio用于连接Linux工业输入/输出(IIO)子系统。 Linux IIO子系统旨在为在某种意义上为模数或数模转换器(ADC,DAC)的设备提供支持。 这包括但不限于ADC,加速度计,陀螺仪,IMU,电容数字转换器(CDC),压力传感器,颜色,光和接近传感器,温度传感器,磁力计,DAC,DDS(直接数字合成),PLL(锁相环),可变/可编程增益放大器(VGA,PGA)和RF收发器。 您可以在嵌入式Linux目标(本地模式)上本地使用libiio,也可以使用libiio通过USB,以太网或串行接口从主机Linux,Windows或MAC与同一个目标远程通信。 尽管libiio最初是由Analog Devices Inc.开发的,但它是一个活跃的开源库,许多人对此做出了贡献。 该库是根据GNU较小通用公共许可证(LGPL)2.1版或任何更高版本发布的,此开源许可证允许任何人在任何供应商的处理器/ FPGA / SoC上使用该库。在本地或远程控制任何供应商的外围设备(ADC,DAC等)。 这包括封闭或开放源代码,商业或非商业应用(受LGPL许
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模拟传感器 测试传感器数据
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