2021-09-23 08:57:45 141KB 英文
解压后双击运行 *.exe 可以查询所有英文单词,并且给出该英文单词在物理专业范畴中的示意和意思
2021-09-12 15:16:39 1.46MB academic Eng physics
著名大气科学教材,中层大气动力学,1987年,作者:David G. Andrews, James R. Holton and Conway B. Leovy (Eds.)
2021-09-12 12:43:57 9.61MB Academic Press Elsevier
2021-09-07 19:02:02 1.25MB sci 论文 英文 句式
Academic+Phrasebank+2021+Edition+_中英文对照 一共314页 2021最新版 论文指导
2021-09-05 18:08:09 4.32MB 论文 英文
Elasticity is concerned with determining the strength and load carrying ability of engineering structures including buildings, bridges, cars, planes, and thousands of machine parts that most of us never see. It is especially important in the fields of mechanical, civil, aeronautical and materials engineering. Elasticity: Theory, Applications and Numerics 2e provides a concise and organized presentation and development of the theory of elasticity, moving from solution methodologies, formulations and strategies into applications of contemporary interest, including fracture mechanics, anisotropic/composite materials, micromechanics and computational methods. Developed as a text for a one or two-semester graduate elasticity course, this new edition is the only elasticity text to provide coverage in the new area of non-homogenous, or graded, materal behavior. End of chapter exercises throughout the book are fully incorporated with the use of MATLAB software. Key Features: * Provides a thorough yet concise introduction to general elastic theory and behavior * Demonstrates numerous applications in areas of contemporary interest including fracture mechanics, anisotropic/composite and graded materials, micromechanics, and computational methods * The only current elasticity text to incorporate MATLAB into its extensive end-of-chapter exercises * The book's organization makes it well-suited for a one or two semester course in elastictiy Features New to the Second Edition: * First elasticity text to offer a chapter on non-homogenous, or graded, material behavior * New appendix on review of undergraduate mechanics of materials theory to make the text more self-contained * 355 end of chapter exercises - 30% NEW to this edition
2021-08-27 23:46:19 16.22MB Elasticity
This book explains understanding the intended audience, the purpose of the paper, and academic genres; includes the use of task-based methodology, analytic group discussion, and genre consciousness-raising; shows how to write summaries and critiques; features Language Focus sections that address linguistic elements as they affect the wider rhetorical objectives; and helps students position themselves as junior scholars in their academic communities.
2021-08-23 17:03:15 11.96MB 论文写作
Academic Phrasebank是一个专门针对学术论文写作的词句模板库。它汇集了万千英文母语者的学术文章,并归纳总结了在文章不同位置、不同功用的学术写作短语和句型的用法和例句。帮助你快速学习如何写绪论、如何表达自己观点、如何评价他人、如何进行总结。 简言之,它是一款适用于学术文章,全方位的词句模版库,提供地道的案例句型,对母语非英语的论文写作者非常友好且效果明显。网站总共分为6大板块,并且介绍了每个版块在英文中的含义、作用以及常用的写作方式,而且还为不同的场景罗列出许多例句以供参考使用。
2021-08-09 13:12:26 1.51MB 学术英语 英语 SCI 学术写作
μr² 编辑器概述 是一个易于使用、多功能且全面的学术写作文本编辑器。 尝试的理由: 复杂表格:行列合并、多行单元格、多个tbody 协作实时编辑。 引文和参考书目支持。 评论、编者注 完全支持 LaTeX 数学输入作为 SVG 输出。 这意味着您可以在没有 Javascript 的情况下使用输出,例如在 Medium.com 上。 用户界面很小,有助于专注于您正在编写的内容 轻松将您的文档导出为 PDF、ePuB、LaTeX、HTML 和 Microsoft Word 或者,将您的作品直接发布到 Wordpress.com、Medium.com 或我们的页面 它很快; 与其他文字处理器相比,简单的格式可以节省大量时间 易于学习; 它使用 Markdown 语法,简单到让人几乎无法称之为“语法” 大多数学术文章是多位作家共同努力的结果。 为帮助作家协同工作,μr² 支持协作实
2021-08-03 09:24:40 35.98MB 海报 模板