淘宝:OPPO/VOOC 5P 贴片快充USB接口5A大电流DASH闪充4脚沉板1.9mm母座说明书 https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a230r.
2021-12-16 09:04:57 185KB USB母座
ABB 接触器A/AF系列产品资料pdf,介绍了ABB A/AF系列接触器的工作原理,特性与好处、以及应用方案。
2021-12-03 20:31:02 4.73MB 综合资料
自动对焦算法AF,此为相机里的快速对焦算法,供软件 人中学习
2021-11-17 09:02:52 11KB AF算法 自动对焦算法 镜头对焦
1) Basic concepts of Auto Focus Algorithm 1.1) AF Detection methods There are two focus detection (AF) methods. 1) Distance detection method. 2) Contrast detection method. 1.1.1) Distance detection method The distance detection method is that the camera use AF module for detecting distance for main objects. If the camera is used this AF method, it will not need to use CCD to detect object’s contrast. There are three types of AF modules. 1. Active AF module 2. Passive AF module 3. TTL AF module Active AF module Active AF systems measure distance to the subject independently of the optical system, and subsequently adjust the optical system for correct focus. There are various ways to measure distance, including ultrasonic sound waves and infrared light. In the first case, sound waves are emitted from the camera, and by measuring the delay in their reflection, distance to the subject is calculated. Polaroid cameras were known for successfully applying this system. In the latter case, infrared light is usually used to triangulate the distance to the subject. An exception to the two-step approach is the mechanical autofocus provided in some enlargers, which adjust the lens directly. Passive AF module Passive AF systems determine correct focus by performing passive analysis of the image that is entering the optical system. They generally do not direct any energy, such as ultrasonic sound or infrared light waves, toward the subject. (However, an autofocus assist beam of usually infrared light is required when there is not enough light to take passive measurements.) Passive autofocusing can be achieved by phase detection or contrast measurement.
2021-11-12 17:04:11 259KB Auto F af 相机
POE供电模块是一种集成电源模块,在借助一根线缆为终端传输数据的同时,还能为此类设备提供直流供电,PoE技术能在确保现有结构化布线安全的情况下保证现有网络的正常运作,不用另外架设电源线,最大限度地降低成本。 一般在稳定的乙太网布线基础架构下,无法轻易更换设备,因为会造成较大成本的增加,为了优化以上情况,POE供电模块技术应运而生,其主要作用就是在以往架构上不用做任何改动的情况下,还能为IP电话机、网络摄像机、无线区域网接入点AP等设备传输数据信号时提供直流电流。随著网络布局的复杂化,技术门槛也是越来越高,POE供电模块在网络监控的快速发展中不断崛起,伴随著其使用场景越来越多样化,POE供电模块也被越来越多的用户关注。 方案规格MP8009是一款基于PoE供电的全集成PD界面电源芯片. 将乙太网提供的48V电源转换为12V或5V输出(25.5W)对后端系统供电,该芯片支援PoE协定(IEEE802.3af/at),无需外加协定芯片,可用Flyback、Forward架构设计,在Flyback架构下可用一次侧回授,可以较对手省下光偶合器、稳压器等二次侧回授所需的零件和空间,为 IEEE802.3af/at标准的各类工业、电信和影像应用提供了一款的PoE供电方案。 MP8009是集成的IEEE 802.3af / at,符合PoE标准的受电设备(PD)电源供电转换器,它包括PD接口和高效Flyback/Forward控制器,PD接口具有IEEE的所有功能802.3af / at ,120mA浪涌电流限制,840mA工作电流限制以及100V热插拔MOSFET。MP8009具有一次侧调节(PSR)的Flyback、效率高的二次侧调节(SSR)Forward设计弹性架构. MP8009可以支援到25.5W输出,符合802.3 af/at规范,MP8007支援13W输出. MP8009支援Flyback/Forward双架构,MP8007支援Flyback. MP8009比MP8007增加Active-Clamp、Frequency Dither、Keep frequency above 30kHz to avoid audio noise功能 方案来源于大大通
2021-10-28 10:46:40 2.39MB poe电源 MPS PD充电器 MP8009
IEEE 802.3af 信息技术IEEE标准:系统间的通信和信息交换-局域网和城域网-特殊要求-第3部分:CSMA/CD的接入方法及物理层规范修正3:经由媒体独立接口(MDI)的数据终端设备(DTE)功率以太网供电标准
2021-10-27 20:10:32 32.69MB 802.3af
2021-09-22 14:44:39 171KB 3A ae af
2021-09-20 17:02:14 52KB
2021-09-20 17:02:12 39KB
2021-09-16 00:56:59 28KB ov5640 AF 自动对焦 固件