PC中最强的J2ME虚拟机 更新历史 v1.0.3 [2009.11.06] Partial BlackBerry support support MIDI,MP3 sound on samsung sound manager fixed JSR75 file connection bug v1.0.2 [2009.09.02] sensor api(jsr 256) v1.0.1 [2009.06.29] new feature,slow down the game sound mpeg(layer 1/2/3) is supported remain in focus when opening with extra windows fixed launching from share server path v1.0.0 [2009.04.22] fixed sizeChange add Midlet->Open JAD with Notepad
2023-03-05 16:41:04 6.19MB XOOM解锁,XOOM ROOT XOOM RECOVERY
Enviro 3 - Sky and Weather3.0.3(unity插件) 供学习交流使用,请支持正版。
2023-03-03 09:51:41 234.25MB unity3d
1. 范围1 2. 业务需求5 3. 数据需求 11 4. 功能需求16 5. 非功能需求22 6. 用户界面需求
2023-02-28 11:12:39 1.77MB 软件/插件 规格说明书
lwip是瑞典计算机科学院(SICS)的Adam Dunkels 开发的一个小型开源的TCP/IP协议栈。实现的重点是在保持TCP协议主要功能的基础上减少对RAM 的占用。
2023-02-26 20:39:30 2.94MB lwip
最新lorawan协议,LORAWAN1.0.3 规范,学习lora技术可下载。
2023-02-26 15:53:41 1.16MB LORAWAN
wp-rocket是WordPress专业的本地缓存的神器,可以优化你的JS CSS文件结构减少多次请求达到优化速度的目的,还集成了图片延迟加载对最求极致加速的用户不错的选择,通过使用这个插件,能使得你的WordPress博客将显著的提速。 WP Rocket缓存插件是当前最高效也是最灵活的WordPress静态缓存插件。可以优化你的JS CSS文件结构减少多次请求达到优化速度的目的,还集成了图片延迟加载对最求极致加速的用户不错的选择,通过使用这个插件,能使得你的WordPress博客将显著的提速。 缓存创建一个超快速的加载时间,对于提高搜索引擎优化和提高转换至关重要。当您打开WP Rocket,页面缓存被立即激活。 因为我们的抓取工具模拟浏览预加载缓存,您的网站被搜索引擎索引的时间瞬间提高。 当访问者向下滚动页面,图像才加载,提高页面的加载时间。 YouTube和Facebook,雅虎等各大网站都采用这种技术。现在,你也可以做到。
2023-02-23 22:32:35 1.37MB WP Rocket 插件 缓存
2023-02-22 10:55:08 8.43MB Audacity 2.0.3 音频
No usable Android build tools found. Highest 30.x installed version is 28.0.3; Recommended version is 30.0.3. 解决这个问题 只要下载30.0.3版本到C:\Users\yaohx\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\build-tools目录下即可
2023-02-21 22:05:50 39.94MB android 安卓 buildtools
This asset obfuscates your code to make it harder for bad guys to reverse engineer your projects. Specifically designed for Unity, it seamlessly links in with its build process. The top priority of this package is to work straight out of the box with no extra steps required. While other obfuscators can stop a game from working, Beebyte's obfuscator looks for specific Unity related code that must be protected. The contents of your source files are unchanged, the obfuscation targets the compiled assembly. Features: - Supports IL2CPP - Supports Assembly Definition Files (Unity 2017.3+) - Removes Namespaces without any conflicts - Recognises Unity related code that must not be changed - Renames Classes (including MonoBehaviours) - Renames Methods - Renames Parameters - Renames Fields - Renames Properties - Renames Events - String literal obfuscation - Adds fake methods - Easy and extensive customisation using the Unity inspector window - Consistent name translations are possible across multiple builds and developers - Semantically secure cryptographic naming convention for renamed members The asset works for both Unity Free and Unity Pro version 4.2.0 onwards (including Unity 5 & 2017 & 2018). Build targets include Standalone, Android, iOS, WebGL, UWP. Other platforms are not guaranteed or supported but may become supported at a future date. IL2CPP builds are much harder to reverse engineer but strings and member information (class, method names etc) are visible in the global-metadata.dat file. Obfuscation will apply to this file adding further security. Why not complement your security with the Anti-Cheat Toolkit - a great third party asset. For more information about the Obfuscator, please see the FAQ
2023-02-16 11:18:07 766KB unity3d 代码混淆 加密 Obfuscator