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MTConnect.NET是用于协议的.NET库,用于收集机床数据。 使用.NET XmlSerializer解析和易于使用的函数,用于从MTConnect代理请求数据。 更新为最多支持MTConnect v1.5。 特征 易于使用的客户端类 完整的MTConnect文档响应作为类对象 Intellisense直接使用来自MTConnect标准的文本 使用内置的XmlSerializer进行简单解析 安装 努吉特 PM>安装包MTConnect.NET 例子 MTConnect客户端 MTConnectClient类使用MTConnect处理典型数据收集应用程序的整个请求结构。 首先发出探测请求,然后发出当前请求,然后打开流以获取任何新的样品数据。 该类将继续运行,直到调用Stop()方法并将在内部处理错误为止。 using MTConnectDevices = MTConnect .
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My intention was to create a collection of CATIA macros. You can copy and paste the code in a CATScript or catvba, just clicking on the button bellow the yellow area (if is existing). If you notice something wrong with the code or how is copied in the clipboard (how the text is format), please let me know to improve this help file (you can send me a PM in CATIA forums or an e-mail, I'm sure you can find it very easy). Notice that not all codes were tested. Also, if you would like to share some other codes with us, you can contact me to add them in this help file (reusing code is the fastest way to solve problems).
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pl2302_driver_支持win8以及921600波特率. . Supports the following Windows OS Family: - Windows 2000 SP4 - Windows XP SP2 and above (32 & 64 bit) - Windows Server 2003 (32 & 64 bit) - Windows Vista (32 & 64 bit) - Windows 7 (32 & 64 bit) - Windows Server 2008 / 2008 R2 (32 & 64 bit).
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IPMI标准V1.5,英文原版带目录。 - IPMI -Intelligent Platform Management Interface Specification v1.5 . This document presents the base specifications for the Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) architecture. The IPMI specifications define standardized, abstracted interfaces to the platform management subsystem. IPMI includes the definition of interfaces for extending platform managementbetween board within the main chassis, and between multiple chassis.
2023-03-13 18:18:32 2.46MB IPMI Spec V1.5 VPX
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Devexpress-12.1.5 注册补丁 安装说明: 如果有旧版本的devexpress和注册插件先卸载。 1.关闭Visual Studio,安装DXperience-12.1.5.exe,安装完先不要启动Visual Studio。 2.安装DevExpress.Registration.Setup.v12.1.5.E3.msi
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