Although I wrote the first edition of this book more than 25 years ago, my goals for it remain the same. I want students to receive a solid intro- duction to the traditional topics. I want readers to come away with the view that abstract algebra is a contemporary subject—that its concepts and methodologies are being used by working mathematicians, com- puter scientists, physicists, and chemists. I want students to see the connections between abstract algebra and number theory and geom- etry. I want students to be able to do computations and to write proofs. I want students to enjoy reading the book. And I want to convey to the reader my enthusiasm for this beautiful subject.
2023-12-12 21:25:07 496KB
Spirng的 github 主页。 Spring Framework 是一个开源的Java/Java EE全功能栈(full-stack)的应用程序框架,以Apache许可证形式发布,也有.NET平台上的移植版本。 该框架基于 Expert One-on-One Java EE Design and Development(ISBN 0-7645-4385-7)一书中的代码,最初由 Rod Johnson 和 Juergen Hoeller等开发。Spring Framework 提供了一个简易的开发方式,这种开发方式,将避免那些可能致使底层代码变得繁杂混乱的大量的属性文件和帮助类。 此外,值得注意的是,整个 Spring Framework 5.0 代码库运行于 Java 8 之上。因此 Spring Framework 5.0 对环境的最低要求是 Java 8。
.NET Micro Framework开发板原理图(红牛开发板)
2023-12-11 12:48:45 496KB .NET Micro Framework
帮助清理.NET Framework 卸载不完全的问题。
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【亲测可用】在Windows7系统下,安装.net framework,提示错误(时间戳签名和/或证书无法验证或已损坏)的完美解决方案,更新包包括 x86与 x64两个版本。安装补丁后重启电脑 ,再安装.net framework就可以成功了。
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windows server2022 安装.NET Framework 3.5 所需资源包 sxs文件 net35 离线安装
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Microsoft Kernel-Mode Driver Framework Install-v1.9 for vista/win2K/winxp/win2k3
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unity3D VR插件,支持所有主流VR设备
2023-11-01 14:56:38 143.66MB vr
Go的一个服务框架 ssgo能以非常简单的方式快速部署成为微服务群 开始使用 如果您的电脑go version >= 1.11,使用以下命令初始化依赖自定义sshow: go mod init sshow go mod tidy 1、下载并安装s go get -u 2、在项目代码中导入它 import "" 快速构建一个服务 start.go: package main import "" func main() { s.Restful(0, "GET", "/hello", func() string{ return "Hello ssgo\n" }) s.Start() } 即可快速构建出一个8080端口可访问的服务: export service_listen=:808
2023-10-19 02:56:29 67KB go golang registry framework
.Net 程序员学习设计模式的好资源,内容相当地丰富,内有源码和PDF文档说明(4.0版本)
2023-10-15 05:01:06 18.44MB Design Pattern C# .Net