卡尔曼滤波在雷达目标跟踪中的应用 matlab程序
2022-01-01 16:49:09 29KB 卡尔曼 目标跟踪 matlab 程序
2021-12-31 11:02:49 488KB 微波仿真 雷达目标动态 RCS 仿真
matlab的egde源代码mstar_deeplearning_project 该资源库是我的毕业项目,涉及使用深度学习方法在公共MSTAR上对雷达目标进行分类,检测和识别。 主要框架基于caffe和fast-rcnn,使用matlab接口进行了一些修改。 此外,最近还有一个关于我的毕业设计的文章,涉及FPGA上的网络加速。 先决条件 该项目应该在win7或更高版本上运行。 在运行项目之前,请检查您的PC是否支持Nvidia GPU计算以及6.1的计算功能(如GTX1080和cuda v8.0)以及某个更高版本的Matlab(如Matlab 2015b)。 此外,还需要python3.5,我建议您直接安装Anaconda3-4.2.0-Windows-x86_64.exe并将其添加到系统路径。 由于存储库是发行版本,因此不需要其他安装和编译。 您还可以通过编译和自行进行更改。 git clone :hunterlew/mstar_deeplearning_project.git 分类 工作的第一部分集中在标准MSTAR数据集上的10类雷达目标分类上。 为了避免过拟合,我使用随机裁剪完
2021-12-18 11:18:40 426.8MB 系统开源
This lecture series gives comprehensive overview of the broad field of advanced radar systems, signal and data processing. The series starts with a lecture by U. Nickel in which the basic and fundamental of signal processing for phased array radar and their problems with grating lobes, ambiguities, and angle estimation for instance. The lecture “Advanced target tracking techniques” by W. Koch gives a short introduction to the principle of target tracking and several approaches are discussed for sequential track extraction and for phased-array radars. In the third lecture P. Berens gives an introduction to the synthetic aperture radar (SAR). T. Johnsen provides an overview of bi- and multistatic radar and their associated problems like synchronization, timing, and signal processing. The second lecture of U. Nickel focuses on the problem of adaptive array signal processing and provides the fundamental understanding for the next two lectures. The focus of these lectures, presented by W. Bürger, is on space-time adaptive processing. In his second lecture P. Berens continues with the topic of the synthetic aperture radar and expands the presented techniques to wideband SAR and multichannel SAR/MTI systems. W. Koch’s second paper focuses on sensor data and information fusion, which is essential to extract key-information for the final judgement using several sensors. In summery, this Lecture Series presents a unique overview of the state of the art of advanced radar and the associated signal and data processing research. It offers a variety of material for all those being involved in this scientific area, e.g. students, university teachers, researchers, industrial system designers, and military users.
2021-12-10 16:38:16 5.9MB 雷达 目标识别
2021-11-28 23:20:26 2.73MB 外辐射源 定位 跟踪
2021-11-28 15:13:03 917B matlab
2021-11-28 12:48:43 2.62MB 研究论文