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2019-12-21 20:59:34 2.87MB JADE 中文 英文原版书
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之前有上传一本日文版的OF教程, 最近又发现了这本英文的教程,英文更适合大部分的开发用户, 上传备用也分享给大家一起实用, csdn的积分改不了,不能免费分享很抱歉
2019-12-21 20:27:31 5.85MB OF C++ 互动多媒体
A first course in database systems(英文版)(第三版) 中文名:数据库系统基础教程 作者:Jeffrey D.Ullman PDF 影印版扫描
2019-12-21 20:08:54 7.9MB 数据库 英文 教程
翻译原文档名: MVC Music Store 版本: ASP.NET MVC3 概述 Mvc Music Store 是一个为WEB开发人员一步一步介绍和解释如何使用MVC和Visual Web开发的应用教程. 我们将慢慢的开始, 所以适合于初学者的WEB开发体验! 这个将被建立的程序是一个简单的音乐商店, 这个程序有三个主要的部分: 购物,付款,管理! 本文档由两部分组成: MVC Music Store(一).docx MVC Music Store(二).docx 日期: 2013-3-28
2019-12-21 19:46:13 11.11MB ASP.NET MVC3 教程 中英文
A first course in database systems(英文版)(第三版) 中文名:数据库系统基础教程 作者:Jeffrey D.Ullman PDF 影印版扫描
2019-12-21 19:23:59 8.05MB 数据库 英文 教程
Book Description Unity 5 is a flexible and intuitive multiplatform game engine that is becoming the industry’s de facto standard. Learn to craft your own 2D and 3D computer games by working through core concepts such as animation, audio, shaders, GUI, lights, cameras, and scripting to create your own games with one of the most important and popular engines in the industry. Completely re-written to cover the new features of Unity 5, this book is a great resource for all Unity game developers, from those who have recently started using Unity right up to game development experts. The first half of the book focuses on core concepts of 2D game design while the second half focuses on developing 3D game development skills. In the first half, you will discover the new GUI system, the new Audio Mixer, external files, and animating 2D characters in 2D game development. As you progress further, you will familiarize yourself with the new Standard Shaders, the Mecanim system, Cameras, and the new Lighting features to hone your skills towards building 3D games to perfection. Finally, you will learn non-player character control and explore Unity 5's extra features to enhance your 3D game development skills.
2019-12-21 19:21:28 13.16MB Unity5.x Cookbook Unity 英文