1.Consider the data set shown in Table 1(min_sup = 60%, min_conf=70%).
(a)Find all frequent itemsets using Apriori by treating each transaction ID as a market basket.
(b)Use the results in part (a) to compute the confidence for the association rules {a, b}{c} and {c}{a, b}. Is confidence a symmetric measure?
(c)List all of the strong association rules (with support s and confidence c) matching the following metarule(规则), where X is a variable representing customers, and itemi denotes variables representing items (e.g. “A”, “B”, etc.):
Table 1. Example of market basket transactions.
TID Items-bought
T1 {A, D, B, C}
T2 {D, A, C, E, B}
T3 {A, B, E}
T4 {A, B, D}
2019-12-21 20:39:57