2023-03-17 08:47:25 3.72MB eazfuscator 免费 国外下载
codeGuard-1.3.6.unitypackage, 最新版 unity资源包, 内附使用说明
2023-03-13 18:51:31 1.77MB
混淆工具主要实现的目的 1.尽量保证原来js文件的可执行性 2.反混淆后尽量接近源码的可读性 介绍 1.基于丁仔大佬js还原工具进行的二次开发,增加功能多达10+, 2.对丁仔大佬已开发的功能进行优化及修改,兼容更多可能,提升兼容性。 3.对1.0版本已存在的错误进行修复 4.修复已知bug,增加功能与兼容性
2023-03-09 21:08:49 40KB AST 反混淆 ob js
de4dot .net 通用反混淆脱壳工具,用最新的源码编译的!!大家可以下载试试效果~
2023-03-08 09:39:45 949KB de4dot .net 脱壳 .net
基于最新源码编译的.net脱壳工具. 1. 检测混淆 de4dot.exe -d xxxx.dll 2. 批量反混淆 de4dot.exe -r c:input -ru -ro c:output 常用参数: -r DIR Scan for .NET files in all subdirs //搜索当前目录以及子目录中所有程序集并去混淆 --dont-rename Don't rename classes, methods, etc. //禁止所有重命名(比如类,方法,字段,属性,资源......) -ro DIR Output base dir for recursively found files //同-r参数,但是并不搜索子目录,仅限当前目录 -ru Skip recursively found files with unsupported obfuscator //跳过查找到带有de4dot不支持的混淆器的程序集 -d Detect ob
2023-03-03 17:11:51 1.32MB .net core 混淆 脱壳
昨天准备把写好的代码使用gradle打jar包出来,并打算加混淆。打jar包容易,结果在混淆上走了弯路。所以这篇文章主要介绍了关于Android studio利用gradle打jar包并混淆的方法,需要的朋友可以参考下。
2023-02-28 15:38:30 59KB radle 混淆 jar gradle
PyArmor () () PyArmor是用于混淆Python脚本,将混淆后的脚本绑定到固定计算机或使混淆后的脚本失效的命令行工具。 它通过以下方式保护Python脚本: 混淆代码对象以保护常量和文字字符串。 在运行时混淆每个函数(代码对象)的co_code。 代码对象完成执行后立即清除frame的f_locals。 在运行混淆脚本的许可证文件时,请对其进行验证。 另请参阅 支持平台 Python 2.7和Python3 预建平台:win32,win_amd64,linux_i386,linux_x86_64,macosx_x86_64 嵌入式平台:Raspberry Pi,Banana Pi,Orange Pi,TS-4600 / TS-7600等 参考 快速开始 安装 pip install pyarmor 混淆脚本 pyarmor obfuscate foo.
2023-02-18 08:15:06 342KB python obfuscation obfuscate python-script
This asset obfuscates your code to make it harder for bad guys to reverse engineer your projects. Specifically designed for Unity, it seamlessly links in with its build process. The top priority of this package is to work straight out of the box with no extra steps required. While other obfuscators can stop a game from working, Beebyte's obfuscator looks for specific Unity related code that must be protected. The contents of your source files are unchanged, the obfuscation targets the compiled assembly. Features: - Supports IL2CPP - Supports Assembly Definition Files (Unity 2017.3+) - Removes Namespaces without any conflicts - Recognises Unity related code that must not be changed - Renames Classes (including MonoBehaviours) - Renames Methods - Renames Parameters - Renames Fields - Renames Properties - Renames Events - String literal obfuscation - Adds fake methods - Easy and extensive customisation using the Unity inspector window - Consistent name translations are possible across multiple builds and developers - Semantically secure cryptographic naming convention for renamed members The asset works for both Unity Free and Unity Pro version 4.2.0 onwards (including Unity 5 & 2017 & 2018). Build targets include Standalone, Android, iOS, WebGL, UWP. Other platforms are not guaranteed or supported but may become supported at a future date. IL2CPP builds are much harder to reverse engineer but strings and member information (class, method names etc) are visible in the global-metadata.dat file. Obfuscation will apply to this file adding further security. Why not complement your security with the Anti-Cheat Toolkit - a great third party asset. For more information about the Obfuscator, please see the FAQ
2023-02-16 11:18:07 766KB unity3d 代码混淆 加密 Obfuscator
de4dot-mod-reactor 4.9 神器 De4dot是一款免费、开源的脱壳/反混淆工具,用户可以用它来脱Dotfuscator、MaxToCode处理过的程序,不过需要在命令行下进行操作,有从事软件开发和逆向编程的人员不要错过。
2023-01-07 15:25:23 2.95MB de4dot4.9 C# .NET 反混淆