2022-02-25 14:01:28 50.58MB windows 物联网 iot 正版化软件
2022-02-24 21:05:03 1.83MB 加密狗
2022-01-26 17:07:36 246.45MB tensorflow tensorflow2.0 python pycharm
2022-01-08 19:00:22 12.91MB 静态分析 代码检测 软件测试
Unity Advanced FPS Counter 在手机上的测试信息。
2022-01-02 16:25:51 20.65MB 安卓
大众最新检测软件5053 12.12,欢迎下载
2021-12-28 17:34:20 21.42MB 5053 12.12
内存颗粒检测压缩包,直接解压到DOS启动盘。启动DOS后ME.BAT文件即可使用。 本软件可以再任何DOS启动盘下使用,比如U盘启动
2021-12-26 16:51:09 17KB 内存颗粒检 RST442
Ax3soft Sax2 is a professional intrusion detection and prevention system (IDS) used to detect intrusion and attacks, analyze and manage your network which excels at real-time packet capture, 24/7 network monitor, advanced protocol analysis and automatic expert detection. With insight into all operations in your network, Sax2 makes it easy to isolate and solve your network security problems - detect network vulnerabilities, identify network security threats, catch actions against of security strategy and signs of been attacked. Finally, intercept and stop these connections. Sax2 offers many kinds of intrusion analysis reports, such as events, type, source address and destination address of attacks, and many crossover reports and compositive reports. Furthermore, sax2 allows customize the time range which administrator will flexible monitor and evaluate the network security. Sax2, enhanced detection, analysis, response and management features, supports almost all common used protocols, self-contained and high speed update event database. It will compose an active detection as the core of dynamic Security Defense System with other network security software, such as Firewall and anti-virus.
2021-12-17 17:09:56 6.21MB 入侵检测
系统功能优点:   便捷的工作流程,高效简洁的操作步骤,较同类工作站效率提高2-3倍以上。   高分辨率同步显示实时影像,数字化捕获图像,确保图片清晰、逼真。   图像支持脚踏开关、鼠标二种采集方式。   可对各种超声影像进行动态采集,动态录像品质卓越,达到DVD品质。   系统预置十六种伪彩处理功能,同时支持自定义。   支持对图像进行放大、缩小、镜像、旋转、亮度对比度调整、文字与区域标注等操作。   诊断报告支持多种模式,尊重医生工作习惯,可点击录入、文字直接录入。   报告单上的某些项目内容,如检查医师姓名等项目可以预先初始化,以后用鼠标点选即可.   打印纸张大小不限,可选择A4、A5等多种尺寸纸张,以便与医院标准病历夹通用。 详细功能说明
2021-11-30 10:19:38 11.04MB 液基细胞软件 TCT检测软件 TBS检测软件
针对软件开发过程中许可证冲突的问题,对QualiPSo(quality platform for open source software)项目中提出的开源许可证检测管理过程进行研究分析,以此为支撑,改进现有的许可证检查控制工具OSLC(open source license checker),并与项目成熟度分析和软件开发质量评估检测软件Spago4Q(spagoBI for quality)集成,开发出自动检测开源许可证冲突的原型系统;阐述了将OSLC发布成Web service的类图设计,以及Spago4Q提取器的设计与实现,力求从法律角度提高开源软件的质量,并给基于开源组件的商业软件开发者一定的建议。