2022-03-01 10:52:22 2.81MB TIA-942 数据中心 国际标准
ISO 22300-2018 安全和复原力-词汇,最新标准,自费采购,欢迎大家下载。 ISO 22300-2018 安全和复原力-词汇,最新标准,自费采购,欢迎大家下载。
2022-02-18 17:13:50 5.06MB iso 22300:2018
2022-02-11 17:34:20 1.79MB 国际标准
Electronic railway equipment – Train communication network (TCN) –Part 1: General architecture
2022-02-11 13:07:31 1.58MB IEC61375-1
2022-01-30 15:34:22 15.88MB MPEG 编解码标准
2022-01-27 09:09:56 28.04MB 5G无线系统设计与国际标准
CAN总线在ISO-11898 中的全集 ISO 11898-1:2003 specifies the data link layer (DLL) and physical signalling of the controller area network (CAN). This document describes the general architecture of CAN in terms of hierarchical layers according to the ISO reference model for open systems interconnection (OSI) established in ISO/IEC 7498-1 and provides the characteristics for setting up an interchange of digital information between modules implementing the CAN DLL with detailed specification of the logical link control (LLC) sublayer and medium access control (MAC) sublayer. ISO 11898-2:2003 specifies the high-speed (transmission rates of up to 1 Mbit/s) medium access unit (MAU), and some medium dependent interface (MDI) features (according to ISO 8802-3), which comprise the physical layer of the controller area network. ISO 11898-3:2006 specifies characteristics of setting up an interchange of digital information between electronic control units of road vehicles equipped with the CAN at transmission rates above 40 kBit/s up to 125 kBit/s. ISO 11898-4:2004 specifies time-triggered communication in the CAN. It is applicable to setting up a time-triggered interchange of digital information between electronic control units (ECU) of road vehicles equipped with CAN, and specifies the frame synchronisation entity that coordinates the operation of both logical link and media access controls in accordance with ISO 11898-1, to provide the time-triggered communication schedule. ISO 11898-5:2007 specifies the CAN physical layer for transmission rates up to 1 Mbit/s for use within road vehicles. It describes the medium access unit functions as well as some medium dependent interface features according to ISO 8802-2. This represents an extension of ISO 11898-2, dealing with new functionality for systems requiring low-power consumption features while there is no active bus communication.
2022-01-26 16:54:46 6.1MB CAN,ISO11898
2022-01-21 14:02:58 446KB 资料
10.3 命命命令令令行行行参参参数数数 通用工具脚本经常调用命令行参数。这些命令行参数以链表形式存储于 sys 模块的 argv变量。例如在命令行中执行 python demo.py one two three后可以得到以 下输出结果: >>> import sys >>> print(sys.argv) [’demo.py’, ’one’, ’two’, ’three’] getopt 模块使用 Unix getopt() 函处理 sys.argv 。更多的复杂命令行处理由 argparse模块提供。 10.4 错错错误误误输输输出出出重重重定定定向向向和和和程程程序序序终终终止止止 sys还有 stdin, stdout和 stderr属性,即使在 stdout被重定向时,后者也可以用于显 示警告和错误信息: >>> sys.stderr.write(’Warning, log file not found starting a new one\n’) Warning, log file not found starting a new one 大多脚本的定向终止都使用 sys.exit()。 10.5 字字字符符符串串串正正正则则则匹匹匹配配配 re模块为高级字符串处理提供了正则表达式工具。对于复杂的匹配和处理,正则表达 式提供了简洁、优化的解决方案: >>> import re >>> re.findall(r’\bf[a-z]*’, ’which foot or hand fell fastest’) [’foot’, ’fell’, ’fastest’] >>> re.sub(r’(\b[a-z]+) \1’, r’\1’, ’cat in the the hat’) ’cat in the hat’ 只需简单的操作时,字符串方法最好用,因为它们易读,又容易调试: >>> ’tea for too’.replace(’too’, ’two’) ’tea for two’ 10.6 数数数学学学 math模块为浮点运算提供了对底层C函数库的访问: 10.3. 命命命令令令行行行参参参数数数 79 海量IT类学习资源 尽在三通it学院 www.santongit.com
2022-01-17 18:58:56 1.7MB python
2022-01-11 09:03:41 28KB 事业