This book is an introduction to computer graphics with an emphasis on applica- tions programming. The first edition, which was published in 1997, was somewhat revolutionary in using OpenGL and a top-down approach. Over the succeeding 16 years and 6 editions, this approach has been adopted by most introductory classes in computer graphics and by virtually all the competing textbooks. The sixth edition reflected the recent major changes in graphics software due to major changes in graphics hardware. In particular, the sixth edition was fully shaderbased, enabling readers to create applications that could fully exploit the capabilities of modern GPUs. We noted that these changes are also part of OpenGL ES 2.0, which is being used to develop applications for embedded systems and handheld devices, such as cell phones and tablets, and of WebGL, its JavaScript implementation. At the time, we did not anticipate the extraordinary interest in WebGL that began as soon as web browsers became available that support WebGL through HTML5. As we continued to write our books, teach our SIGGRAPH courses, and pursue other graphics-related activities, we became aware of the growing excitement about WebGL. WebGL applications were running everywhere, including on some of the latest smart phones, and even though WebGL lacks some of the advanced features of the latest versions of OpenGL, the ability to integrate it with HTML5 opened up a wealth of new application areas. As an added benefit, we found it much better suited than desktop OpenGL for teaching computer graphics. Consequently, we decided to do a seventh edition that uses WebGL exclusively. We believe that this edition is every bit as revolutionary as any of the previous editions.
2023-03-22 07:00:51 10.57MB WebGL
提出了一种研究6-3 Stewart并联机构运动学正解问题的新方法。通过分析动平台位姿变量之间的耦合关系,增加了一些有用的信息,得到了用于解决这一问题的11个相容方程。使用正交补方法进行消元,最终可以将6-3 Stewart并联机构运动学正解问题表达成一个一元八次方程。最后通过一个实例验证了该方法的正确性。
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Unity一键式Shader调试工具,远强大于Frame Debugger,辅助shader的快速开发。
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所附文件展示了带有内置阻尼器的直动式液压溢流阀的模拟。 对阀门的研究包括以下内容: • 阀门的构造和操作• 数学建模• 使用 Simulink 进行计算机模拟• 根据模拟结果讨论阀门的静态和动态特性。 理论分析在以下书的 198 至 205 页中介绍: M Galal Rabie,流体动力工程,纽约州麦格劳希尔,2009 年 5 月 18 日。
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