射频电路与天线 PPT 华南理工。射频电路与天线 PPT 华南理工
2019-12-21 20:38:46 48.46MB PPT 华南理工 褚庆昕
参考《16位5级流水无cache实验CPU课程设计实验要求》文档及其VHDL代码,在理解其思想和方法的基础上,将其改造成8位的5级流水无cache的实验CPU,包括对指令系统、数据通路、各流水段模块、内存模块等方面的改造。利用VHDL语言编程实现,并在TEC-CA平台上进行仿真测试。为方便起见,后续16位5级流水无cache实验CPU简记为ExpCPU-16,而8位的则记为ExpCPU-8。 对于内存模块的改造,参考《计算机组成原理》课程综合实验的方法,独立设计一块8位的RAM。 (1)利用TEC-CA平台上的16位RAM来存放8位的指令和数据; (2)实现一条JRS指令,以便在符号标志位S=1时跳转。需要改写ID段的控制信息,并改写IF段; (3)实现一条CMPJ DR,SR,offset指令,当比较的两个数相等时,跳转到目标地址PC+1+offset; (4)可以探索从外部输入指令,而不是初始化时将指令“写死”在RAM中; (5)此5段流水模块之间,并没有明显地加上流水寄存器,可以考虑在不同模块间加上流水寄存器; (6)探索5段流水带cache的CPU的设计。
2019-12-21 20:34:43 2.29MB 华南农业大学 计组实验
2019-12-21 20:34:27 2.55MB 华师计算机 华南师范大学 925真题
2019-12-21 20:34:26 5KB 华南师范大学 复试 2019 回忆
Requirements 1. Simulate a Unix file system on your Windows Platform 2. Understand the file system on Unix system, and the usage of i-nodes 3. Implement the function of sub-directory 4. The task needs to be completed using C++ or C 5. Tasks/Functionalities The following functions are required in your file system: 1. Allocate 16MB space in memory as the storage for your file system. The space is divided as blocks with block size 1KB Assume block address length is 32-bit; Design the information contained in i-node The i-node should support up to 10 direct block addresses The i-node should support at least one indirect block address 2. The fist block is used for storing the i-node for the root directory(/). While your program is lunched, two directories (/dir1 and / dir1/dir2) should be created, and also two files need to be written as /dir1/file1 and /dir1/dir2/file2 (5 marks) 3. File 1 and 2 contain the message of “This is file 1.” and “This is file2”. 4. Following commands should be supported in your system: a) Create a file:createFile fileName fileSize (10 marks) i.e.:createFile /dir1/myFile 1024 (in bytes) if fileSiz > max file size, print out an error message. The file content is filled up with filename + repeated digits from 0 - 9 i.e.: “myFile012345678901234567890123….” b) Delete a file:deleteFile filename (10 marks) i.e.:deleteFile /dir1/myFile c) Create a directory:createDir (5 marks) i.e.:createDir /dir1/sub1 d) Delete a directory:deleteDir (5 marks) i.e.: deleteDir /dir1/sub1 (The current working directory is not allowed to be deleted) e) Change current working direcotry:changeDir (5 marks) i.e.: changeDir /dir2 f) List all the files and sub-directories under current working directory:dir (5 marks) You also need to list at least two file attributes. (i.e. file size, time created, etc.) g) Copy a file : cp (5 marks) i.e.: file1 file2 h) Display the usage of storage space:sum (10 marks) Display the usage of the 16MB
2019-12-21 20:28:55 1.27MB 文件系统
2019-12-21 20:20:55 814KB 微波
2019-12-21 20:16:29 852KB 软件工程 综合实验报告
2019-12-21 20:13:21 44.26MB 华工操作系统
1.在linux中实现一个命令执行程序doit,它执行命令行参数中的命令,之后统计 1)命令执行占用的CPU时间(包括用户态和系统态时间,以毫秒为单位), 2)命令执行的时间, 3)进程被抢占的次数, 4)进程主动放弃CPU的次数, 5)进程执行过程中发生缺页的次数
2019-12-21 19:59:40 3KB 华南理工大学 操作系统