两级倒立摆仿真模型的GUI控制界面-The GUI of double inverted pendulum simulation system.rar   这是我近几天做的一个GUI界面,用于control the simulation model of the double inverted pendulum system.里面有我的基于GA寻优后的LQR控制的两级倒立摆仿真模型(不包括ga寻优的m文件),以及SimulateGUIhanhan.m和SimulateGUIhanhan.fig文件。不知道做类似gui的同学们有没这样的问题:就是在gui对应的m文件中(我有guide 创建的gui)如果使用sim函数进行模型的仿真,即使你在scope模块中设定将array形式的输出save to workspace,或者利用时钟和输出端子,再或者利用to workspace,输出参数都保存不到工作空间。为了解决这个问题,我问过math老师,最后采用:to flie的形式将.mat文件保存,然后在程序中download一下就ok了呵呵!    现在我将我近期做的这个小东西拿来给大家分享一下呵呵!       我不怎会传图片就一同放在附件里了呵呵! fig.jpg mdl.jpg
2020-03-30 23:16:57 181KB matlab
鲍德里亚 模拟物与拟像
2020-03-26 03:03:41 477KB simulation
CRC出版的关于离散事件建模与仿真的教材 Product Description Complex artificial dynamic systems require advanced modeling techniques that can accommodate their asynchronous, concurrent, and highly non-linear nature. Discrete Event systems Specification (DEVS) provides a formal framework for hierarchical construction of discrete-event models in a modular manner, allowing for model re-use and reduced development time. Discrete Event Modeling and Simulation presents a practical approach focused on the creation of discrete-event applications. The book introduces the CD++ tool, an open-source framework that enables the simulation of discrete-event models. After setting up the basic theory of DEVS and Cell-DEVS, the author focuses on how to use the CD++ tool to define a variety of models in biology, physics, chemistry, and artificial systems. They also demonstrate how to map different modeling techniques, such as Finite State Machines and VHDL, to DEVS. The in-depth coverage elaborates on the creation of simulation software for DEVS models and the 3D visualization environments associated with these tools. A much-needed practical approach to creating discrete-event applications, this book offers world-class instruction on the field’s most useful modeling tools. About the Author Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
2020-03-07 03:04:16 13.51MB 离散事件 建模 仿真
2020-01-18 03:10:34 29.7MB SDM Modulator ADC DAC
原创毕业设计完工贴出来和大家分享一下吧-metro_simulation.rar 我的毕业设计是做一个地铁列车运行过程的仿真系统。当然,不是很复杂。在simulink里面建立模型,然后用GUI对其中变量进行赋值,并通过GUI中的一段函数对制动点进行试凑,最后显示出列车的速度-路程曲线,行驶总路程和时间。 ------------------------------------------- 现将GUI中所调用的功能及其实现方法整理如下: 1、点击按钮,切换GUI。这个现实起来很简单,只要在按扭的callback函数里写上run; close;即可。 2、把GUI中edit框中的数值赋给simulink中对应的变量。这个问题一开始困扰了我好一段时间,看了很多例子都不行,有人说用set_param,但我用了之后总是会报错说变量没有定义。其实,只需要用等号对变量名进行赋值即可。例如:simulink中某个变量为M,edit框的确Tag为name,那么相应的代码就是M=str2double);这里的str2double是将字符串转变为double型的双精度数。调用simulink前写上options = simset;再进行调用sim; 3、从excel中读取数据,并将其赋给对应的edit框。这个在math大哥的视频里已经有详细解析了,这里就不缀述了。 4、将GUI中的参数保存进excel文件中,这个与读取过程类似,不过用的函数是uiputfile和xlswrite,具体的到matlab帮助里看一下就可以了,里面写得非常清楚。 5、将最后的仿真结果绘制出来。这个实现起来相对比较麻烦。首先在simulink里要添加"to workspace"模块(注意save format一定要选择Array)。然后在调用simulink仿真的语句后面,用assignin函数将"to workspace"输出的数据保存在workspace中的向量中,例如assignin; result是输出的结果,k1是保存的向量名。在调用k1进行画图的时候,需要用evalin函数将k1从工作空间中读取出来,如k2=evalin。 如果输出的结果是最终的一个数,而非一个数组,则可以用result来获取,这里的t是仿真时间长度,step为仿真步长。 ---------------------- 我用到的GUI主要部分就是这些,希望能对大家有些帮助。GUI入手的确比较困难,但只要多看几个例子,问题就会迎仞而解。ilovematlab论坛的确给我们提供了一个良好的平台,从这里学到了很多有用的东西。 ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- 附件中是我的源程序,运行时先从preface开始。 1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg 4.jpg
2020-01-04 03:12:22 72KB matlab
matlab simulation for radar systems design 非扫描版的 做仿真的离不开matlab 做雷达系统仿真的一样离不开matlab 这本书,可以看 因为它是专门为雷达系统仿真定制的。
2020-01-03 11:34:57 13.93MB Matlab simulation radar system
Petri net simulation matlab code
2020-01-03 11:16:46 4.8MB petri net
2019-12-28 17:16:07 6.56MB simulation with arena
Principles of Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging: A System Simulation Approach demonstrates the use of image simulation for SAR. It covers the various applications of SAR (including feature extraction, target classification, and change detection), provides a complete understanding of SAR principles, and illustrates the complete chain of a SAR operation. The book places special emphasis on a ground-based SAR, but also explains space and air-borne systems. It contains chapters on signal speckle, radar-signal models, sensor-trajectory models, SAR-image focusing, platform-motion compensation, and microwave-scattering from random media. While discussing SAR image focusing and motion compensation, it presents processing algorithms and applications that feature extraction, target classification, and change detection. It also provides samples of simulation on various scenarios, and includes simulation flowcharts and results that are detailed throughout the book.
2019-12-21 22:24:09 32.05MB Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging
Unity飞行模拟 Flight Simulation Enine,超逼真模拟飞行体验
2019-12-21 22:23:42 24.24MB unity