解压密码:123 安装说明:https://blog.csdn.net/hongfu951/article/details/118517942 文本编辑+概述 Text Edit Plus 2021是一个交互式应用程序,可以用于创建和编辑新的文本文档在计算机上。它为用户提供了一组更广泛的特性,允许用户使用各种工具和组件编写和修改任何现有文档。此应用程序能够以PDF文件格式导出任何文档,通过这种格式可以很容易地与其他人共享。你也可以下载VovSoft文本编辑加。 Text Edit Plus 2021能够支持图像文件格式,用户可以导入他们想要的图像作为文本在他们的文档中,使他们提供信息。它允许用户以段落的形式组合多行,还可以更改文本的背景颜色和字体。用户也可以很容易地删除所有空行和重复行在他们的文档中,这是增加他们的长度。这个应用程序为用户提供了黑暗模式,将帮助用户在夜间工作,以及一个高级的拼写检查程序,可以检测到所有的错误拼写在文档中。您也可以下载NCH开关声音文件转换器加。
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| 简体中文 pycorrector 中文文本纠错工具。音似、形似错字(或变体字)纠正,可用于中文拼音、笔画输入法的错误纠正。python3.6开发。 pycorrector依据语言模型检测错别字位置,通过拼音音似特征、笔画五笔编辑距离特征及语言模型困惑度特征纠正错别字。 Guide Question 中文文本纠错任务,常见错误类型包括: 谐音字词,如 配副眼睛-配副眼镜 混淆音字词,如 流浪织女-牛郎织女 字词顺序颠倒,如 伍迪艾伦-艾伦伍迪 字词补全,如 爱有天意-假如爱有天意 形似字错误,如 高梁-高粱 中文拼音全拼,如 xingfu-幸福 中文拼音缩写,如 sz-深圳 语法错误,如 想象难以-难以想象 当然,针对不同业务场景,这些问题并不一定全部存在,比如输入法中需要处理前四种,搜索引擎需要处理所有类型,语音识别后文本纠错只需要处理前两种, 其中'形似字错误'主要针对五笔或者笔画手
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2021-07-12 22:51:36 29.59MB 自然语言处理 Python
解压密码 share.weimo.info With Early Release ebooks, you get books in their earliest form—the author's raw and unedited content as he or she writes—so you can take advantage of these technologies long before the official release of these titles. You’ll also receive updates when significant changes are made, new chapters are available, and the final ebook bundle is released.The programming landscape of natural language processing has changed dramatically in the past few years. Machine learning approaches now require mature tools like Python’s scikit-learn to apply models to text at scale. This practical guide shows programmers and data scientists who have an intermediate-level understanding of Python and a basic understanding of machine learning and natural language processing how to become more proficient in these two exciting areas of data science.This book presents a concise, focused, and applied approach to text analysis with Python, and covers topics including text ingestion and wrangling, basic machine learning on text, classification for text analysis, entity resolution, and text visualization. Applied Text Analysis with Python will enable you to design and develop language-aware data products.You’ll learn how and why machine learning algorithms make decisions about language to analyze text; how to ingest, wrangle, and preprocess language data; and how the three primary text analysis libraries in Python work in concert. Ultimately, this book will enable you to design and develop language-aware data products.,解压密码 share.weimo.info
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2021-07-12 21:22:23 27.18MB Text Data Management Analysis