2021-11-18 13:54:34 2.12MB MPC
MATLAB 是美国MathWorks公司出品的商业数学软件,用于算法开发、数据可视化、数据分析以及数值计算的高级技术计算语言和交互式环境,主要包括MATLAB和Simulink两大部分。
2021-11-18 13:41:45 5.37MB matlab
2021-11-17 15:35:10 194KB control relay solenoid
2021-11-16 19:46:54 78KB control
M. Sami Fadali, Antonio Visioli, "Digital Control Engineering: Analysis and Design" Academic Press | 2009-02-13 | ISBN: 0123744989 | 496 pages Digital controllers are part of nearly all modern personal, industrial, and transportation sytems. Every senior or graduate student of electrical, chemical or mechanical engineering should therefore be familiar with the basic theory of digital controllers. This new text covers the fundamental principles and applications of digital control engineering, with emphasis on engineering design. Extensive Use of computational tools: Matlab sections at end of each chapter show how to implement concepts from the chapter. Frees the student from the drudgery of mundane calculations and allows him to consider more subtle aspects of control system analysis and design. An engineering approach to digital controls: emphasis throughout the book is on design of control systems. Mathematics is used to help explain concepts, but throughout the text discussion is tied to design and implementation. For example coverage of analog controls in chapter 5 is not simply a review, but is used to show how analog control systems map to digital control systems. Review of Background Material: contains review material to aid understanding of digital control analysis and design. Examples include discussion of discrete-time systems in time domain and frequency domain (reviewed from linear systems course) and root locus design in s-domain and z-domain (reviewed from feedback control course). Inclusion of Advanced Topics In addition to the basic topics required for a one semester senior/graduate class, the text includes some advanced material to make it suitable for an introductory graduate level class or for two quarters at the senior/graduate level. Examples of optional topics are state-space methods, which may receive brief coverage in a one semester course, and nonlinear discrete-time systems. Minimal Mathematics Prerequisites The mathematics background requ
2021-11-16 15:20:37 4.15MB Digital Control Engineering Analysis
意图控制matlab仿真代码自适应控制 Adaptive Control 是一个带有一些鲁棒自适应控制方案的 Matlab 代码的项目。 入门 先决条件 Matlab 版本 R2014a 运行测试 模拟 目录:/code/main.m 例子 目录:/code/examples/ 作者 达尼洛·佩纳
2021-11-16 11:15:03 2.59MB 系统开源
2021-11-16 10:42:00 3.76MB wind energy
MFC Animate Control的使用案例,MFC avi帧动画播放器 使用的控件有:Animate Control、ComboBox、ListBox MFC打开保存文件对话框类:CFileDialog等
2021-11-16 10:38:30 1.89MB MFC Animate Control
Laser Control Utility的开发旨在轻松处理任何仪器与Continuum Surelight激光系列之间的TTL通信。 这是通过通过计算机LTP1端口监视TTL信号来实现的,该端口的信号通过RS232传输到激光单元,该激光单元还用于控制基本激光参数,例如脉冲分频器(激光频率)和Q开关。 快门调制功能允许用户使用TTL信号按需打开激光快门,并根据需要控制脉冲激光的长度。 该方法产生可再现的全功率激光脉冲。 最初的动机是将质谱仪数据系统连接到各种激光系统。 由巴西圣保罗大学Jair Menegon,Paulo Moreira和Thiago Correra开发。
2021-11-15 23:51:10 455KB 开源软件
Camera Control Pro 2.9汉化破解版
2021-11-15 21:30:11 11.13MB Camera Control Pro