数据库系统课件:ch17 Recovery System.ppt
2022-05-25 22:03:01 617KB 文档资料
linux系统编程 Unix/Linux 系统编程
2022-05-25 20:14:12 5KB C
IPMItool 1.8.8 for Microsoft Windows 2003 with Sun IPMI System Management Driver Support provides the open-source IPMItool application built natively for Microsoft Windows 2003. This version adds two interfaces to ipmitool: * ms - allows communication over the KCS interface using the IPMI driver included in the Hardware Management add-on in the R2 Windows 2003 release * ism - allows communication over the KCS interface using the Sun IPMI System Management (ISM) Driver, for use in Windows 2003 systems where R2 is not installed. This driver can be downloaded from: http://www.sun.com/tbd Also provided in this release is ipmived, which can be used to receive ILOM events over the KCS interface and write them to the Windows System Event Log. Refer to the README.pdf in this distribution for information on installing and using ipmievd.
2022-05-25 06:56:44 1.36MB ipmi ipmitool win32 kcs
Class Attendance System based on Face Recognition 基于人脸识别的课堂考勤系统 Contributor : datamonday Github Repo : Initial Blog : Project Post : 2019.04 2021.5.9 Updata new version named Face Recognition Algorithms Test System is available: 1. 项目简介:cat_face:‍:motorcycle: :chequered_flag:本项目使用Python3.6编写,Qt Designer(QT5)设计主界面,PyQt5库编写控件的功能,使用开源 OpenFace人脸识别算法进行人脸识别,使用眨眼检测来实现活体识别,使用OpenCV3实现实时人脸识别。:cat_face:‍:bust_in_silhouette:同时,将班级学生信息,各班级学生人数、考勤信息录入到MySQL数据库中,方便集中统一
2022-05-24 12:11:35 120.19MB qt5 attendance face-recognition pymysql
基于内容的电影推荐系统 基于余弦相似度的基于内容的电影推荐系统 使用Jupyter Notebook的余弦相似度创建基于内容的电影推荐系统
2022-05-23 17:09:15 153KB JupyterNotebook
Linear Systems Theory(by Princeton University Press),another reference to Linear System Theory and Design (3rd ed)
2022-05-23 16:18:42 2.09MB linear system
BUAA-OperatingSystems:北京航空航天大学“ Operating Systems”课程的最终项目完成
This new edition has been thoroughly updated, reorganized, and expanded to cover the PCI Local Bus Specification version 2.2 and other recent developments, including the new PCI Hot-Plug Specification, changes to the PCI-to-PCI Bridge Architecture Specification, revisions to the PCI Bus Power Management Interface Specification, and the new features of the PCI BIOS Specification.
2022-05-22 21:36:00 22.16MB mindshare pci
2022-05-22 13:52:59 1.72MB system
本文实例总结了C#中各种计时器用法。分享给大家供大家参考,具体如下: 1、使用 Stopwatch 类 (System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch) Stopwatch 实例可以测量一个时间间隔的运行时间,也可以测量多个时间间隔的总运行时间。在典型的 Stopwatch 方案中,先调用 Start 方法,然后调用 Stop 方法,最后使用 Elapsed 属性检查运行时间。 Stopwatch 实例或者在运行,或者已停止;使用 IsRunning 可以确定 Stopwatch 的当前状态。使用 Start 可以开始测量运行时间;使用 Stop 可以停止测量运行时间。通过属性 E
2022-05-22 10:31:17 71KB c# system 小结