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Xposed框架学习 企业微信 主要功能列表 2.1.1用户信息 2.1.2账号信息 2.1.3我的二维码 2.1.4修改头像 3.联络管理 3.1.1联系人信息 3.1.2搜索联系人 3.1.3手机号邀请联系人 3.1.5上报好友添加请求 3.1.6添加/删除/同意/拒绝 3.1.7修改联系注备注 3.2.1获取根部门(一级部门) 3.2.2获取所有子部门 3.2.3获取指定部门下全部成员和部门 3.2.4获取外部客户 4.会话管理 4.1.1会话监听 4.1.2获取全部会话列表 4.1.3获取群会话列表 4.1.4获取通讯录的会话列表 4.2.1创建群聊 4.2.2退出群聊 4.2.3解散群聊 4.2.4修改群名称 4.2.5修改群内昵称 4.2.6获取群会话成员 4.2.7邀请入群 4.2.8添加成员入群 4.2.9可拆卸群成
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本DEMO参考了https://download.csdn.net/download/abill425/10554049?tdsourcetag=s_pctim_aiomsg 资料; 非常感谢,如有侵权,请与本人联系; 与参考的资料相比,不同的是:参考资料是百度人脸SDK离线版本V1.0版本的; 而本DEMO是百度人脸SDK离线版本V1.1版本的; 本demo是x64的,封装成可供c#调用的dll是BaiduFaceDll.dll 使用步骤: 1.到百度AI开放平台 https://ai.baidu.com ,下载百度人脸离线SDK,(注意版本V1.1.0,修改日期:2018.08.31) 2.下载后,把sdk包里那个443 MB的face-resource目录,复制到本demo的BaiduFaceDll\x64目录下(就是BaiduFaceDll.dll所在目录的上级目录) 3.打开BaiduFaceDll\x64\\Release\LicenseTool.exe,输入试用序列号(在百度AI开放平台取得,有效期30天),完成激活。注意,激活时需要联网。或者将已有的license.ini和license.key文件拷贝至此目录,注意注册序列号是与硬件相关的; 4.将本demo的BaiduFaceDll\x64\Release路径,加到系统的path变量中。 5.运行本demo的BaiduFaceDll\x64\Release目录下的WindowsFormsApplication1.exe,可以测试封装的dll,输入两张图片;然后单击:图像对比,会显示对比结果; 在C#中的函数注册: //请将"BaiduFaceDll.dll"修改为实际路径,如@"d:\BaiduFaceDll\x64\Release\BaiduFaceDll.dll", 或者直接把该实际路径加到系统的path变量中。 [DllImport("BaiduFaceDll.dll")] public static extern void Init();//初始化 [DllImport("BaiduFaceDll.dll")] public static extern void UnInit();//销毁 [DllImport("BaiduFaceDll.dll")] public extern static int Track(string imgstr, ref StringBuilder res);//人脸检测,imgstr为图片的base64编码字符串 [DllImport("BaiduFaceDll.dll")] public static extern int User_Add(string user_id, string imgstr);//添加用户,imgstr为图片的base64编码字符串 [DllImport("BaiduFaceDll.dll")] public static extern int User_Delete(string user_id);//删除用户 [DllImport("BaiduFaceDll.dll")] public extern static void Identify(string imgstr, ref StringBuilder res);//人脸识别,imgstr为图片的base64编码字符串 [DllImport("BaiduFaceDll.dll")] public extern static void Match(string image1, int img_type1, string image2, int img_type2, ref StringBuilder res);//人脸1:1对比编码字符串 sdk调用流程: 初始化 -> 图片对比 -> 销毁 具体详细的windows-sdk使用说明,参见 http://ai.baidu.com/docs#/Face-Offline-SDK-Windows/top 源码: 本demo的BaiduFaceDll\BaiduFaceDll目录,是本封装dll的c++源码。VS版本为2015,Framework版本为4.0。 本DEMO只是封装了几个示例,其余封装,参考样式自行编写;
2022-09-28 11:20:08 47.34MB 百度人脸识别 离线SDK C# 动态库
佳能单反相机最新SDK V2.11 自己测试过,放心使用
2022-09-26 23:15:21 19.82MB 佳能 单反 相机 SDK
单反相机开发 D5100 sdk nikon
2022-09-26 23:10:15 9.89MB 单反
这个是自己找的chm格式的安卓开发帮助文档,找了挺久的,这个确实里面是中文的,可以帮助有需要的或者英文不好的小伙伴更好的进行安卓开发。 顺便附带了chm格式的基础教程,这个chm格式直接windows系统上直接打开就可以,支持搜索很方便。 初设5积分的下载积分需求,希望帮助更多的小伙伴,系统会动态调整,高了不是我刻意的哈~
2022-09-26 18:05:22 15.49MB Android API SDK CHM
PI数据库开发SDK例程 The introduction provides an architectural overview of how the PI-SDK fits into various programming environments. A description and simplified view of the PI-SDK object model is also presented. What Is the PI-SDK? The PI Software Development Kit (PI-SDK) is a programming tool providing access to PI Servers. The software consists of an ActiveX in-process server, an ActiveX control, and supporting code libraries. The kit comes with online documentation, example code, various support files, and tools. The PI-SDK runs on 32-bit Windows platforms and provides access to servers on all PI platforms. Based on Microsoft’s Component Object Model (COM), the PI-SDK can be used with most WIN32 programming environments. The kit is particularly well integrated with Microsoft Visual Basic providing rapid development and deployment of PI applications. The PI-SDK provides an object-oriented approach to program interaction with PI Systems. It delivers a hierarchical model of objects and collections representing the components of PI Servers. This approach provides for intuitive and efficient access. What Documentation Is Provided? The PI-SDK User Guide and the PI-SDK Programming Reference are the primary sources for information related to the PI-SDK. Both are incorporated in the online help system. A version of the user guide in MS Word format is also installed during the setup for printing or for use in training programs. Programming Reference Detailed programming references for properties and methods of each object in the PI-SDK and the PI-SDK Control and Dialogs are available in online help. Most methods provide an example of their usage in Visual Basic. Other code examples, including examples of calling the PI-SDK
2022-09-26 14:13:56 1.76MB PI
2022-09-25 20:43:27 53.77MB CC3200 OURS-SDK-WFB