Hello Camera2 ============= Hello Camera2 is an Android Camera2 sample that plays preview. It controls camera devices by NDK camera2 APIs which becomes one of [public libraries](http://android-developers.blogspot.kr/2016/06/improving-stability-with-private-cc.html) in Android N. Pre-requisites -------------- - Android Studio 2.1+ with [NDK](https://developer.android.com/ndk/) (>=r12) bundle. Screenshots ----------- A small extra view is toggled when a screen is touched. ![screenshot](screenshot.png) Known Bugs ---------- * When extra surface view is changed, App is crashed. (e.g when switching portrait to landscape mode, vice versa)
2021-07-29 10:33:00 9.33MB native camera dnk
Android Camera添加水印,编码的时候增加水印,任何APP拍照或录像有水印
2021-07-29 10:30:07 32KB 相机水印
unity摄像机控制系统源码Camera Controller 3.21 亲测可用,附带官方案例。 完整unitypackage,谢谢研究。 unity摄像机控制系统源码Camera Controller 3.21 Requires Unity 5.1.0 or higher. The perfect AAA quality camera solution for your game! The Adventure Camera has evolved and it is way more than just a 3rd person camera. The new Camera Controller is super smooth and built for 3rd person games, 1st person games, and even strategy/MOBAs. Using 'camera motors', the Camera Controller is able to seamlessly transition from one view to another. You can even transition mid-play to give your game that AAA quality boost. Feature rich, the Camera Controller supports off-center 3rd person views, advanced view obstruction detection, character fading, camera shakes, and lots more. Use the spline motor to have the camera follow a path for cut-scenes or in-game focusing. Leverage the motors that come with the Camera Controller or create your own camera motors for a truly unique experience.
2021-07-28 19:37:09 2.71MB unity插件 游戏开发
由于一个渲染器(renderer)对应一个相机(camera),当需要多个视图时会消耗大量内存; 故在此封装了一个在单个渲染器上使用多个相机展示不同视图内容的DEMO,大大减少了功耗; 内涵代码和思路文档
2021-07-28 18:32:10 208KB three.js 多相机 camera Renderer
摄像机标定matlab代码 Camera-LiDAR校准手册 该解决方案提供了一种手动校准Livox LiDAR与摄像机之间的外部参数的方法,该方法已在Mid-40,Horizo​​n和Tele-15系列上得到验证。 它包括相机固有参数的校准,校准数据的获取,相机与LiDAR之间外部参数的计算以及相机LiDAR融合应用的一些示例。 在此解决方案中,板角用作校准目标。 借助Livox LiDAR的非重复扫描特性,我们可以更轻松地找到高密度点云中拐角的准确位置。 同时,我们可以获得更好的校准结果和更好的LiDAR相机融合。 使用以下链接下载数据示例,该数据用于校准内在和外在参数。 数据已经保存在默认路径中。 步骤1:环境配置 (以下校准过程是在Ubuntu 64位16.04环境下进行的) 1.1安装环境和驱动程序 安装ROS环境,然后安装和。 如果它们已经安装,则可以跳过此步骤。 # install Livox_SDK git clone https://github.com/Livox-SDK/Livox-SDK.git cd Livox-SDK sudo ./third_party/a
2021-07-28 14:37:31 4.02MB 系统开源
使用C++调用Android底层接口,实现了从Camera摄像头拿去数据并进行H264 OMX编码
2021-07-28 11:43:03 2KB Android Camera数据 OMX编码 H264
2021-07-27 16:36:27 19.46MB Adobe Camera Raw 7.0中文版
Unity3D插件 Camera Controller 相机控制插件/脚本素材资源
2021-07-27 15:06:36 92.36MB unity camera 插件
FPGA上的MIPI CSI-2接收器,赛普拉斯FX3上的USB 3.0 UVC 2Gbps视频流 此存储库包含用于通用FPGA CSI接收器的硬件,Verilog源和USB3.0 USB视频设备类(UVC)控制器C源。尚未使用FPGA硬件专用组件,因此可以轻松移植到任何低成本FPGA。 支持从15到1000 FPS的帧速率,从640x80到Full 8M 3280x2464的分辨率。 1080p 60FPS时的最大数据速率约为2Gbps。通过UVC控制完全控制帧速率和分辨率。现在手动曝光和手动亮度控制。手动曝光映射到UVC饱和度控制。也可以使用映射的伽玛控件启用“测试图案”。 测试已在3280x2464 15帧1920x1080 60帧1920x1080 30帧1280x720 120帧1280x720 60帧1280x720 30帧640x480 200帧640x480 30帧640x
2021-07-26 22:36:59 29.82MB video fpga camera csi
2021-07-26 11:00:49 630KB 全志T507 camera模块 开发资料