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Title: Jenkins Continuous Integration Cookbook, 2nd Edition Author: Alan Mark Berg Length: 360 pages Edition: 1 Language: English Publisher: Packt Publishing Publication Date: 2015-01-29 ISBN-10: 1784390089 ISBN-13: 9781784390082 Over 90 recipes to produce great results from Jenkins using pro-level practices, techniques, and solutions About This Book Explore the use of more than 40 best-of-breed plug-ins for improving efficiency Secure and maintain Jenkins by integrating it with LDAP and CAS, which is a Single Sign-on solution Step-by-step, easy-to-use instructions to optimize the existing features of Jenkins using the complete set of plug-ins that Jenkins offers Who This Book Is For If you are a Java developer, a software architect, a technical project manager, a build manager, or a development or QA engineer, then this book is ideal for you. A basic understanding of the software development life cycle and Java development is needed, as well as a rudimentary understanding of Jenkins. In Detail Jenkins is an award-wining and one of the most popular Continuous Integration servers in the market today. It was designed to maintain, secure, communicate, test, build, and improve the software development process. This book starts by examining the most common maintenance tasks. This is followed by steps that enable you to enhance the overall security of Jenkins. You will then explore the relationship between Jenkins builds and Maven pom.xml. Then, you will learn how to use plugins to display code metrics and fail builds to improve quality, followed by how to run performance and functional tests against a web application and web services. Finally, you will see what the available plugins are, concluding with best practices to improve quality. Table of Contents Chapter 1: Maintaining Jenkins Chapter 2: Enhancing Security Chapter 3: Building Software Chapter 4: Communicating through Jenkins Chapter 5: Using Metrics to Improve Quality Chapter 6: Testing Remotely Chapter 7:
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作者:[美]Scott Meyers 著,侯捷 译 word文档版。您手上这本书,是世界顶级C++大师Scott Meyers成名之作的第二版。其第一版诞生于1991年。在国际上,本书所引起的反响之大,波及整个计算机技术出版领域,余音至今未绝。几乎在所有C++书籍的推荐名单上,本书都会位于前三名。作者高超的技术把握力,独特的视角、诙谐轻松的写作风格、独具匠心的内容组织,都受到极大的推崇和仿效。甚至连本书简洁明快的命名风格,也有着一种特殊的号召力,我可以轻易列举出一大堆类似名字,比如Meyers本人的More Effective C++和Effective STL,Don Box的Effective COM,Stan Lippman主编的Efficient C++系列,Herb Sutter的Exceptional C++等等。要知道,这可不是出版社的有意安排,而且上面这些作者,同样是各自领域里的绝顶大师,决非人云亦云、欺世盗名之辈。这种奇特的现象,只能解释为人们对这本书衷心的赞美和推崇。
2007-07-11 00:00:00 474KB Effective C++