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Virtual Serial Port Driver仿真串口、创建虚拟 COM 对 Virtual Serial Port Driver 创建虚拟串口,并透过虚拟调制解调器电缆成对连接。 双方的应用程序将能够以这种方式交换数据,所有写入第一个端口的数据将显示在第二个端口一次又一次。 所有虚拟串口的工作原理和行为完全像真实的一样,仿真其所有的设置。 您可以根据需要创建尽可能多的虚拟端口对,因此不会有串口短路,也不会有额外的硬件占用您的桌面。 此外,虚拟串口技术可以完全集成到您自己的软件(DLL,ActiveX 或 Core 级别使用)中。 vspdpro 9.0.270 汉化 vspdpro 10.0.858 汉化 vspdpro 10.0.914 汉化 vspdpro_service 服务程序 https://blog.csdn.net/zyyujq/article/details/121387304
2021-12-24 15:03:20 6.18MB 虚拟串口 VSPDPRO 汉化
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2021-12-24 12:35:09 125KB c正则 pcre库 头文件
一、CIFAR-10简介 CIFAR-10数据集包含10个类别,共计60000张 32×32 3通道彩色图像。其中每个类别包含6000张图像:训练图像50000张,测试图像10000张。 数据集被分为五个训练批次和一个测试批次。每个测试批次有10000张图像,为每个类别各随机挑出1000张构成;训练批次为随机打乱的剩余图像。某些训练批次可能出现一个类型的图像多于另一个类型的情况,但总体而言,训练批次包含每个类型恰好5000张。 二、说明 图片原格式为32*32 3通道 第一次卷积:卷积核大小为3*3,输出32*32 32通道 第一次池化:最大值池化,输出为16*16 32通道 第二次卷积:卷
2021-12-24 12:22:41 191KB cifar-10 ens fl
INTRODUCTION IEC 62386 contains several parts, referred to as series. The 1xx series includes the basic specifications. Part 101 contains general requirements for system components, Part 102 extends this information with general requirements for control gear and Part 103 extends it further with general requirements for control devices. The 2xx parts extend the general requirements for control gear with lamp specific extensions (mainly for backward compatibility with Edition 1 of IEC 62386) and with control gear specific features. The 3xx parts extend the general requirements for control devices with input device specific extensions describing the instance types as well as some common features that can be combined with multiple instance types. This first edition of IEC 62386-103 is published in conjunction with IEC 62386-101:2014, IEC 62386-102:2014 and with the various parts that make up the IEC 62386-2xx series for control gear, together with the various parts that make up the IEC 62386-3xx series of particular requirements for control devices. The division into separately published parts provides for ease of future amendments and revisions. Additional requirements will be added as and when a need for them is recognised.
2021-12-23 08:57:48 3.7MB DALI IEC 62386-10