这本书是Rod Johnson的成名著作,非常经典,从这本书中的代码诞生了springframework。
2020-01-03 11:22:57 7.94MB 设计 经典 高清 标签
TDD(Test-Driven Development) 测试驱动开发是敏捷开发中的一项核心实践和技术,也是一种设计方法论。TDD得原理是在开发功能代码之前,先编写单元测试用例代码,测试代码确定需要编写什么产品代码。TDD虽是敏捷方法的核心实践,但不只适用于XP(Extreme Programming),同样可以适用于其他开发方法和过程。 TDD得基本思路就是通过测试来推动整个开发得进行,但测试驱动开发并不只是单纯的测试工作,而是把需求分析,设计,质量控制量化的过程。 TDD的重要目的不仅仅是测试软件,测试工作保证代码质量仅仅是其中一部分,而且是在开发过程中帮助客户和程序员去除模棱两可的需求。TDD首先考虑使用需求(对象、功能、过程、接口等),主要是编写测试用例框架对功能的过程和接口进行设计,而测试框架可以持续进行验证。
2020-01-03 11:19:04 7.46MB TDD(Test-Driven Development) SpringMVC
Linux Kernel Development第三版,Linux系统内核经典书籍
2019-12-21 22:25:50 2.34MB Linux 内核 系统 开发
Write flexible, maintainable, and verifiable code for .NET Core Write testable code using SOLID principles and dependency injections Recognize the characteristics of a good unit test Structure and group your unit test Use mock objects to handle dependencies Set up an end-to-end continuous integration process
2019-12-21 22:24:36 11.56MB .net c# TDD
高清第二版Unity 5
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Linux Device Drivers Development(pdf+epub+mobi+code_files).zip Linux Device Drivers Development(pdf+epub+mobi+code_files).zip
2019-12-21 22:22:56 13.95MB linux
基于DE2开发板的VGA显示模块,仅供大家参考-DE2 development board
C++游戏开发指南(C++ Game Development Cookbook)-2016年英文原版,0积分
2019-12-21 22:21:17 5.07MB C++ 游戏开发
Blockchain concepts and the Hyperledger technologies are hot topics. Hyperledger is an open source project to create private blockchain applications for different domains including finance, banking, supply chain, IoT and much more. This book will be an easy reference to explore and build blockchain networks using Hyperledger services. This book will start with explaining the blockchain evolution and then proceed to an overview of technologies like Ethereum, R3 Corda, Coco, and Hyperledger. We will learn how to set up and launch Hyperledger Fabric in Bluemix. We will look into the architecture and the components of Hyperledger Fabric which are used to build private blockchain applications. Later we will delve into how we can interact with Hyperledger Fabric blockchain to build private networks from scratch covering all the required principles such as chaincode, smart contracts, cryptocurrencies and much more on the Hyperledger network. By the end of this book, you will be able to build and deploy your own decentralized applications using Hyperledger addressing key pain points encountered in blockchain lifecycle.
2019-12-21 22:21:08 5.61MB Blockchain
这是最新的关于qt5 qml开发的书籍资料,里面内容很新颖,内容详细
2019-12-21 22:19:36 18.21MB qt qml