azkaban3.4 安装包,赠送 安装文档, 可搭建分布式多 executor 节点的资源调度。
2020-01-15 03:09:02 56.7MB tar.gz
2020-01-14 03:12:42 657KB STM32F103 原理图 战舰
1 Windows64位,编译好的lua,直接用
2020-01-10 03:12:36 423KB lua-5.3.4 Win64
Lua-5.3.4_Win64_bin - Lua 5.3.4的Windows 64位版二进制可执行文件。可用于编译能够被xLua识别的Lua字节码文件(注意,xLua区分32位和64位版本的luac)。
2020-01-07 03:07:16 162KB Lua 5.3.4 x64 Windows
unity图像人脸画面视觉识别系统插件OpenCV for Unity 2.3.4 所支持的Unity版本:5.6.6 及以上版本 Works with Unity Cloud Build iOS & Android support Windows10 UWP support WebGL support Win & Mac & Linux Standalone support Preview support in the Editor OpenCV for Unity is an Assets Plugin for using OpenCV 4.0.0 from within Unity. Features: - Since this package is a clone of OpenCV Java, you are able to use the same API as OpenCV Java 4.0.0 (link). - You can image processing in real-time by using the WebCamTexture capabilities of Unity. (real-time face detection works smoothly on iPhone 5) - Provides a method to interconversion of Unity's Texture2D and OpenCV's Mat. - IDisposable is implemented in many classes.You can manage the resources with the “using” statement. - Examples of integration with other publisher assets are available.(e.g. PlayMaker, NatCam, NatCorder) ExampleCode using OpenCV for Unity is available. MarkerBased AR Example MarkerLess AR Example FaceTracker Example FaceSwapper Example FaceMask Example RealTime FaceRecognition Example GoogleVR with OpenCV for Unity Example Kinect with OpenCV for Unity Example AVPro with OpenCV for Unity Example HoloLens with OpenCV for Unity Example PlayMakerActions for OpenCVforUnity NatCam with OpenCVForUnity Example NatCorder with OpenCVForUnity Example MagicLeap with OpenCVForUnity Example
2020-01-04 03:14:51 66B OpenCV Unity OpenCV for
1包,保证质量,We detected the glibcxx 3.4.5 version. Please use this installer in an operating system glibcxx greater than 3.4.9.的错误
2020-01-03 11:43:05 234KB glibcxx 3.4. redmine
腾讯课堂是腾讯推出的专业在线教育平台,腾讯课堂里面的大部分教学视频都是需要收费,而且还不能下载,而小编带来的这款腾讯课堂视频下载工具是一款可以直接选择腾讯课堂的对应课程进行下载的神器,使用这款腾讯课堂视频下载工具可以让你感受一键下载需要课程带来的便利性,非常实用,需要的朋友马上下载软件体验吧! 软件功能 1、腾讯课堂视频下载工具提供了强大的下载功能 2、可以将网站上的视频下载到本地播放 3
2020-01-03 11:39:32 15.75MB 网络软件
Fog Volume 3 体积雾渲染,模拟大气效果.提供了一系列的控件来辅助调整性能与外观. 与版本2的最大不同是效果与灵活性. 更多的信息请查看文档.
2020-01-03 11:35:24 46.13MB Fog Volume 3 3.4
2020-01-03 11:31:48 153.47MB 数据库 MongoDB
ComsenzDiscuz-DiscuzX-master最新版源代码, Comsenz 核心产品 Discuz! X3.4 正式版
2020-01-03 11:23:25 11.25MB DiscuzX PHP论坛源码