2021-12-16 22:03:24 644KB 行业报告
stm32官方以太网进阶培训资料: 以太网进阶培训Part1_STM32以太网外设 以太网进阶培训Part2_LwIP_介绍 以太网进阶培训Part3_更换以太网PHY 以太网进阶培训Part4_培训实验1 以太网进阶培训Part5_培训实验2
2021-12-16 21:51:52 7.11MB stm32 lwip 以太网
2021-12-16 21:50:19 2.06MB STM3以太网
随着技术的迅速发展,越来越多的工程应用对以太网嵌入式设备提出了需求,因此对以太网MAC层数据处理系统的研究具有重要的现实意义。本文介绍利用以太网物理层(PHY)芯片和FPGA实现的硬件千兆网模块。其中PHY芯片作为数据传输的高速节点,处理物理层数据,而FPGA完成对MAC层数据的处理。本文研究的方法结合了FPGA的强大处理能力和PHY 芯片的驱动能力,比常规CPU+MAC层模块+PHY芯片的方式有更高的效率。本文通过实验测试验证了设计的可靠性与快速性。
2021-12-16 17:07:17 701KB MAC层; PHY层; FPGA; 千兆网
西门子PROFINET工业通信指南 工业以太网 高清文档 全网最低只要5个币
2021-12-16 16:21:14 46.05MB 工业以太网 高清文档
03米联客2020版FPGA 以太网UDP通信方案(PL) MPSOC ZYNQ
2021-12-16 10:01:18 9.58MB MPSOC ZYNQ 3EG 米联客
This document describes the usage of the TJA1100 Customer Evaluation Board. The Board supports the evaluation of the TJA1100 with providing (MII) a 40-pins standard header (including MII/SMI/control signals/power supplies. Details can be found in section 2.3.1) with 2,54mm pinning distance to a host controller board, the bus interface (MDI) including a srew terminal (SMKDS) connector as well as needed components for the power supply and operation. Further information is given in the following sections.
2021-12-15 16:06:19 1.24MB NXP TJA1100 车载以太网 评估板
车载以太网PHY TJA1100参考评估板原理图PCB
2021-12-15 16:06:19 5.92MB 原理图 TJA1100 PCB 车载以太网
The TJA1101B is a 100BASE-T1-compliant Ethernet PHY optimized for automotive use cases such as gateways, IP camera links, radar modules, driver assistance systems and back-bone networks. The device provides 100 Mbit/s transmit and receive capability over a single unshielded twisted-pair cable, supporting a cable length of up to at least 15 m. The TJA1101B has been designed for automotive robustness and ISO 26262, ASIL-A compliance, while minimizing power consumption and system costs.
2021-12-15 16:06:18 1.09MB 车载以太网 TJA1101B PHY 100BASE-T1
This reference document describes the configuration, register structure and mapping of the TJA1101A Ethernet PHY.
2021-12-15 16:06:18 222KB 车载以太网 PHY TJA1101 100BASE-T1