官网下载的arcgis 开发版本的webappbuilder增强版 experiencebuilder1.5本地缓存
2021-08-04 14:04:50 172.88MB arcgis javascript exb nodejs
行业教育软件-学习软件-职称英语超级考神2011-题库解析版(卫生类) v1.50 (1).zip
行业教育软件-学习软件-职称英语超级考神2011-题库解析版(卫生类) v1.50 (2).zip
2021-08-04 10:01:41 27.28MB 行业教育软件-学习软件-职称英语
2021-08-03 22:01:21 7KB 资源达人分享计划
MAX1674: 输入范围0.9V-5.5V 输出可固定5V或3.3V,也可在2V-5.5V之间选择 在5V输出200mA时DC-DC效率能达到94% 图1 用MAX1674输入1.5v升5v升压器 升压器1.5v升5v电路图(二) 提供输出到2.5V至3.0V电路将产生约70%的效率,输出电流为20mA。 升压器1.5v升5v电路图(三) 1.5V升9V电源电路图如附图所示。该电路为间歇式振荡升压电路。BG1与L1、L2、C1等构成振荡器。BG1为振荡管,工作在开关状态。L1、C1为振荡反馈元件。L2为振荡储能绕组。为了方便,电路还设计了由BG3构成的自动电子开关。当BG3的基极没有负载时,也就没有基极电流,BG3、BG2、BG1均截止,整个电路停止工作,不消耗电源。因此,本电路不需设立单独的电源开关。 当A、B两点接上负载时,BG3导通,BG2也跟着导通,通过负载为BG1提供基极电流,BG1导通,能量从电源流入并储存在L2中。此时BG1集电极电压很低,D1截止,负载由C2残存电压供电。当BG1截止时,L2中电流不能突变,它将产生出较高的逆程电动势,经D
2021-08-03 16:36:08 134KB 升压器 升压电路 文章 技术应用
Multiple Terrain Brush is an editor tool with brushes for heightmaps and textures that work on multiple terrains. You can easily paint heightmap and textures, without switching from terrain to terrain. With multiple terrain burshes you can avoid terrain holes in borders during height map painting and editing. Brushes also contain smooth which is stitching and it's removing terrain holes. Pack contains: - Unity 2017 support - Heightmaps brushes - Texture painting brushes - Smooth brush with stitching function - Multiple terrain texture adding system - Manual - Nonsquare terrains support - Compatibility with World Streamer and Terrain Stitcher Multiple Terrain Brush v1.6 requires Unity 5.1.2, v2.0 requires unity 5.4.1+.
2021-08-03 11:34:13 8.16MB Terrai
hive 2.1.1打包报错问题 maven引入hive jar包时,报错 Could not find artifact org.pentaho:pentaho-aggdesigner-algorithm:jar:5.1.5-jhyde 将此文件解压,放到maven仓库中即可,jar包和pom都有
2021-08-03 09:44:47 41KB hive 大数据 maven 资源达人分享计划
稳定,解决class com.alibaba.druid.pool.DruidDataSource cannot be cast to class com.alibaba.druid.pool.DruidDataSource 报错问题
2021-08-03 09:42:59 245.25MB canal.adapter-1.
资源链接: https://developer.android.com/studio/preview
2021-08-03 09:41:41 888.29MB android studio
2021-08-03 09:39:27 458KB