Simulation Of Communication Systems
Since the first edition of the book was published, the field of modeling and simulation of
communication systems has grown and matured in many ways, and the use of simulation as a
day-to-day tool is now even more common practice. Many new modeling and simulation
approaches have been developed in the recent years, many more commercial simulation
packages are available, and the evolution of powerful general mathematical applications
packages has provided still more options for computer-aided design and analysis. With the
current interest in digital mobile communications, a primary area of application of modeling
and simulation is now to wireless systems of a different flavor than the traditional ones.
Since the objective of modeling and simulation is to study and evaluate the behavior and
performance of systems of current interest, the practice of simulation has naturally evolved
along with the types of systems that have emerged or are being designed for the future.
Nevertheless, to the extent that simulation is an embodiment of fundamental principles of
several disciplines, communication theory in particular, the practice of modeling and simulation
is still very much grounded in those basics. It is these principles, along with the many
tricks of the trade that accompany their application, that still form the main focus of this
second edition.