C++/CLI The Visual C++ Language for .NET (带完整目录) Foreword By Stanley B. Lippman, Former Architect, Visual C++
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DataGridView冻结首列和冻结首行代码示例 1.直接运行可看效果 2.支持列冻结,取消冻结 3.支持行冻结,取消冻结 4.冻结后仍可见拖动条 5.无多余代码,有注释,逻辑简单高效 欢迎指教!moondreamyou@163.com
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详细讲述.Net SpringMVC结构
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一、应用场景与出发点 同一个系统中,为了解决不同的客户可能需要设计不同的单据打印模板,实现此方法可能是: 1、设计不同的自带RDLC报表文件,根据当前客户加载不同的报表并打印 2、GDI+绘图 和 打印组件 ,不同的客户创建不同的绘图XML格式的模板内容 3、其他第三方组件 主要对比一下前两种方法,第一种方法不好之处在于,不灵活,开发者必须地每个客户制订一个报表,不推荐采用。第二种方法,修改对应的模板内容就可以了, 模板内容可以是Xml文件,也可以是存放在数据库中的Xml格式字符串。推荐采用这种方法。然后这种方法的也有一个棘手问题 :如何让用户快速、方便地设计打印模板,本示例就是为了解
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ASP.net: ADO的五大对象: Connection 连接对象 Command 命令对象,指示要执行的命令和存储过程! DataReader是一个向前的只读的数据流。 DataAdapter是功能强大的适配合器,支持增删改查的功能 DataSet是一个数据级对象,相当于内存中的一张表或多张表!(asp中是recordset)
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Apress, 2010 ,如何用.net来实现并行计算,本书将带你一探究竟 Parallel programming has been revolutionised in .NET 4 providing, for the first time, a standardised and simplified method for creating robust, scalable and reliable multi-threaded applications. The Parallel Programming features of .NET 4 allow the programmer to create applications that harness the power of multi-core and multi-processor machines. Simpler to use and more powerful than “classic” .NET threads, parallel programming allows the developer to remain focused on the work an application needs to perform. In Pro .NET 4 Parallel Programming in C#, Adam Freeman presents expert advice that guides you through the process of creating concurrent C# applications from the ground up. You’ll be introduced to .NET’s parallel programming features, both old and new, discover the key functionality that has been introduced in .NET 4, and learn how you can take advantage of the power of multi-core and multi-processor machines with ease. Pro .NET 4 Parallel Programming in C# is a reliable companion that will remain with you as you explore the parallel programming universe, elegantly and comprehensively explaining all aspects of parallel programming, guiding you around potential pitfalls and providing clear-cut solutions to the common problems that you will encounter. What you’ll learn * Develop scalable and robust parallel applications in C#. * Design, test and use parallel algorithms and data structures. * Understand and implement common parallel design patterns. * Avoid common anti-patterns and problems. * Use Visual Studio to verify and debug parallel applications. amazon link:http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1430229675/buythisbooks-20
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