POLYGON Apocalypse 资源包 非常庞大的低多边形资源包,用于构建你梦寐以求的游戏效果!无需翻遍整个商店寻找匹配的资源包,这可能是资源商店中发布的最大、最全面的资源包。 这一资源包中包含超过 1800 个精细的预制件。 模块部分可以很轻松地以各种方式组合。 Key Features - 所有建筑物都有可进入的内部结构! - 模块化的地堡系统! - 模块化的隔离墙! - 可添加到我们原有车辆上的车辆装甲附件! - 可以添加到你死亡机器上的车载武器! - 模块化枪支系统 - 创建数以千计的定制枪支! - 包含大量演示场景 - (角色姿势仅供参考) Assets 角色 (x30) - 摩托男、商务男、酷女、酷男、男罪犯、亚裔女、感性女、危险品男、无家可归男。男岛民。女机械师、女书呆子、修女、女病人、男记者、朋克女、男防暴警察、侦察女兵、男警长、女士兵、男士兵、女少年、男少年、女服务员、流浪男、女丧尸 x2、男丧尸 x2。 角色附件 (x86) - 护甲、背包、胡须、头发、头饰、武器配件等。 车辆 (x17) - 救护车、军用卡车、大货车(带有多个拖车)、越野车、露营车、中型车、旅行车、高尔夫球车、改装车、冰淇淋车、助力车、摩托车 x2、肌肉车、采访车、监狱巴士、皮卡。 车辆附件 (x88) - 保险杠、装甲板、灯、扰流板、天线、凸刺、排障器、饰品等 带有内部结构的完整建筑物 (x30) - 公寓、汽车维修店、咖啡厅、教堂、商务楼(小型、中型、大型)、小饭馆、房屋 x3、烧毁的房屋、厂房(小型、中型、大型)、灯塔、市场(中型、大型)、汽车旅馆、商店(小型 x3、中型 x2、大型 x2)、房屋拖车 x2、仓库 x2。 模块化建筑物(x150 件) - 天花板、栅栏、地板、墙壁、屋顶、地堡、装卸台、管道、人行道、楼梯、梯子、横梁、门、遮阳篷/雨蓬、标志、座位等。 其他结构 (x24) - 桥梁、冷却塔/烟囱 x3、集装箱门吊、起重机、停机坪、军事/检疫帐篷(有受损形态)x11、游泳池、铁塔 x2、无线电塔、水箱、水塔。 环境(x240 件) - 道路、人行道、隧道、公路、草地、灌木丛、树木、瓦砾、岩石、排水渠等。 道具 (x671) - 路障/障碍物、板条箱、家具、广告牌/标牌、残破/燃烧的车辆、栅栏、建筑材料、照明灯/灯具、电线杆、核武器、仪器、垃圾/垃圾桶、凸刺/碎片/防御工事、露营装备、商店装潢等 物品 (x93) - 瓶子、弹药、饮料、罐头、露营装备、食品、箱包、药品等。 完整武器 (x86) - 自动步枪、冲锋枪、轻机枪、手枪、霰弹枪、火箭发射器、加特林机枪、射钉枪、矛枪、球棒、刀片、斧头、棍棒、简易武器、电锯/园艺工具、手榴弹、燃烧弹、钉子炸弹、路边炸弹、高射机枪、鱼叉、火箭弹、锯子等 模块化武器(x184 件) - 完全模块化的武器零件,包括枪托、枪管、提手、枪身、弹匣、消音器、瞄准镜/瞄具、刺刀等 特效 (x28) - 灰烬、血迹、子弹壳、灰尘(内部和风)、火焰 x3、火焰喷射器、苍蝇、雾 x2、弹痕、泥浆、核武器 x2、花粉、辐射(一般、大、小)、雨水和雨溅、道路光晕、烟(黑、大、小)、火花、车轮泥迹。
2021-09-08 14:09:42 121B unity polygon
A low poly asset pack of Buildings, Vehicles, Characters, and Props assets to create a crime themed polygonal style game. Includes a detailed demo scene (Character poses indicative only) A great addition to POLYGON - Heist Pack Key Features Characters (x17) - Asian Gangster, British Gangster, Female Cook, Male Cook, DEA Agent Female, DEA Agent Male, DEA Plainclothes, GangBoss, Gang Member 01, Gang Member 02, Gang Member 03, Gang Member Female, Hazmat Suit, Italian Gangster, StreetGirl, Underwear Female, Underwear Male. (with Alternative Colors) Vehicles (x5) - Forklift, LowCar 01, LowCar 02, Truck, Van (with Alternative Colors) Modular Buildings (x88 Pieces) - Ceilings, Fences, Floors, Walls, Roofs, Loading Docks, Pipes, Walkways, Beams, Doors etc. Props (x324) - Bags of powder, Air Vents, Bottles, Barrels, Billboards, Blender, Books,Bucket, Cardboard boxes, Chairs, Chemical Equipment, Cigarettes, containers, dumpster, Evidence Bags, Gas Can, Grass, Lab equipment, Ladders, Lights, Money, Office Furniture, Paint cans, Brushes, Pills, Papers, Plants, Powder, Puddles, Gun range equipment, Security cameras, Shelves, Signs, Lab tables, Toys etc Weapons (x22) - Bat, Broken Bottle, Crowbar, Knives, Knuckle Dusters, Pistols, Pipe, Rifles, Shiv, Shotgun, Straight Razor, Sub Machine Gun, Swords. FX (x18) - Bullet Trail, Blood Splat, Bug Lights, Bullet Shells, Bunsen Burner, Dust Interior, Dust Small, Fire, Fog, Gunshot, Rain, Rain Splash, Rain Splash small, Smoke Large, Smoke Medium, Smoke Small, Light ray cube, Light ray Round. - Heaps of awesome content included (see the layout screenshots for more details)
2021-09-08 14:09:42 121B unity polygon
2021-09-08 10:22:59 66.48MB Keil.STM32F2xx_D
2021-09-08 09:08:35 119.47MB delphi tms
TMS FMX UI Pack v3.6.8.8 for XE6-D10.3 Rio Full Source.完全源码版,欢迎大家下载.
2021-09-07 22:58:17 20.55MB TMS FMX UI  Pack
KEIL pack文件包支持MM32全系列芯片在KEIL 5.13及以上版本下的手动安装。
2021-09-07 22:02:36 12.31MB MM32系列KEILpack
IAR pack文件包支持MM32全系列芯片在IAR 7.6及以上版本下的手动安装。
2021-09-07 22:02:35 1.01MB MM32系列IARpack文
If you like this pack, do check out other Polygonal assets in the store list link provided above. You will find more similar assets that you can use together with this asset. For eg: Polygonal Fantasy Pack Polygonal Wings Pack Polygonal Creatures Pack Polygonal Aliens Pack Polygonal Skeletons Pack Polygonal Robot Hermit Polygonal Frightfly and more! Polygonal Series 3D models are in faceted style. Texture size is small and asset textures remain clear when close up. It will be a good addition to other faceted style environment packs. Polygonal Fantasy Pack Polygonal Fantasy Pack is a 3D assets pack with modular 3D characters and environment props in faceted style for your game development. Customize the look of your fantasy characters with attachable accessories and weapons like pauldrons, necklaces, swords, wands, shields and helmets etc. Change character's face to create different heroes for your game. Change character's costumes to give them a different work class like knight, mage and archer! Check out the tutorial images in the preview section to find out how to customize them. Note that: 1) No script is included in this pack. This is a 3d assets pack only. 2) No character animations are included in this pack. Characters are humanoid mecanim ready. It's compatible with Mixamo animations. 3) Please see preview images and videos to know more about the content. The demo scenes in the package is using the following FREE plug in but the pack doesn't require the plug in to work properly. Please download and import them into your project. 1) Post Processing Stack 2 3D files are in FBX and texture files are in PSD in the package. Additional fee may be required for other files. _________________________________ What is included in the pack? Costumes: - 360 base prefabs ( 3 skin color variation. Male and Female) - 7 color variations ( silver and gold version each) for costumes. Male (Number of mesh designs) : - 18 torso - 20 bottom - 6 shoes - 5 hands - 10 belt
2021-09-07 19:05:44 121B unity polygon
2021-09-06 08:22:29 984KB pack gd32f1xx mdk
用vs2010开发windows phone程序需要安装windows phone SDK而windows phone SDK需要Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Service Pack 1
2021-09-05 17:08:01 795KB VS sp1