支持高版本谷歌播放rtsp的插件--VXG Media Player。该插件支持高版本的谷歌浏览器播放rtsp流视频,也不必转码为rtmp再播放,直接将Chromefor的东西添加到谷歌浏览器扩展程序里,重启浏览器就可以正常使用插件,获取播放视频流速度超快。
2019-12-21 20:39:57 7.49MB rtsp chrome vxg
Adobe Flash Player forIE_15.0.0.189
2019-12-21 20:35:18 16.53MB Adobe Flash Player forIE_15.0
用opengl和VS Mfc做的读取和绘制bvh文件的程序
2019-12-21 20:35:07 18.42MB 骨骼文件 opengl
VLCJ is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. VLCJ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with VLCJ. jna-4.1.0 jna-platform-4.1.0 vlcj-3.10.1
2019-12-21 20:33:16 4.17MB 用于vlc开发
1、用IjkPlayer/MediaPlayer + TextureView封装,可切换IjkPlayer、MediaPlayer. 2、支持本地和网络视频播放. 3、完美切换小窗口、全屏,横竖屏切换,可在RecyclerView中无缝全屏. 4、手势滑动调节播放进度、亮度、声音. 5、支持清晰度切换. 6、可自定义控制界面. 7、对时间和电量进行监听 8、实现沉浸式状态栏 9、支持普通视频的播放和m3u8、rtmp直播视频的播放 10、易接入弹幕功能 11、支持回退暂停,进入页面继续播放
2019-12-21 20:28:57 40.86MB 播放器 Player VideoPlayer 横竖屏
LED屏幕播放软件,软件大小:1.57M 《LED Player V3.0》是本公司新推出的一套专为LED显示屏设计的功能强大,使用方便,简单易学的节目制作、播放软件,支持多种文件格式:文本文件,WORD文件,图片文件(BMP/JPG/GIF/JPEG...),动画文件(SWF/Gif)。 2.2 运行环境  操作系统 中英文Windows/2000/NT/XP  硬件配置 CPU: 奔腾600MHz以上 内存:128M  相关软件 OFFICE2000--如需WORD文件必须安装
2019-12-21 20:26:37 1.68MB LED Player V3.0
Webex recorder and player 最新版,解决了 网络上的3.1.7 版本的闪退问题。Win XP/7/10 都能正常运行。找到这个版本是因为网络上安装的3.1.7版本无法使用,推荐下载。
2019-12-21 20:26:08 4.39MB Webex recorder and player
VMware Workstation 12 Player 王爽汇编语言学习环境搭建 ,加载vm文件即可使用
2019-12-21 20:25:37 20.87MB 汇编虚拟机
Windows Media Player 的外观文件,可用于许多版本的WMP
2019-12-21 20:11:40 18.22MB WMP skin
The C# Player's Guide (3rd Edition) is the ultimate guide for people starting out with C#, whether you are new to programming, or an experienced vet. This guide takes you from your journey's beginning, through the most challenging parts of programming in C#, and does so in a way that is casual, informative, and fun. This version of the book is updated for C# 7.0 and Visual Studio 2017 Get off the ground quickly, with a gentle introduction to C#, Visual Studio, and a step-by-step walkthrough and explanation of how to make your first C# program. Learn the fundamentals of procedural programming, including variables, math operations, decision making, looping, methods, and an in-depth look at the C# type system. Delve into object-oriented programming, from start to finish, including inheritance, polymorphism, interfaces, and generics. Explore some of the most useful advanced features of C#, and take on some of the most common tasks that a programmer will tackle. Learn to control the tools and tricks of programming in C#, including the .NET framework, dealing with compiler errors, and hunting down bugs in your program. Master the needed skills by taking on a large collection of Try It Out! challenges, to ensure that you've learned the things you need to. With this guide, you'll soon be off to save the world (or take over it) with your own awesome C# programs!
2019-12-21 20:11:17 5MB C#