The Go Programming Language 英文版 Brian W. Kernighan / Alan Donovan
2021-09-10 10:54:25 5.04MB GoLang Go
2021-09-09 19:27:17 127.95MB golang13 go13
go lang windows64位安装包
2021-09-07 18:07:28 122.64MB golang windows
onvif协议 onvif IP设备摄像机的简单管理。 onvif是用于管理onvif IP设备的ONVIF协议的实现。 该库的目的是方便,轻松地管理IP摄像机和其他支持ONVIF标准的设备。 安装 要安装该库,请使用go get : go get github . com / use - go / onvif 支援服务 实现了以下服务: 设备 媒体 云台 影像学 事件 发现 验证(更多选项) 肥皂 使用 一般概念 连接到设备 身份验证(如有必要) 定义数据类型 执行所需的方法 连接到设备 如果网络上有一个地址为192.168.13.42的设备,并且其ONVIF服务使用1234端口,则可以通过以下方式连接到该设备: dev , err := onvif . NewDevice (onvif. DeviceParams { Xaddr : ""
2021-09-06 17:58:01 1.4MB library onvif ptz getcapabilities
Youtube Video in Golang
2021-09-06 17:19:41 100KB
波场钱包代理 采用GPRC协议调用fullnode节点服务 使用golang开发,目前满足trx、trc10和trc20转账以及交易记录扫描,归集,地址生成功能 每一种合约开启json-rpc端口兼容比特币rpc接口 钱包私钥全部加密保存,密钥保存在sqlite数据库,所以必须定期备份 启动配置文件为当前目录下trx.toml文件,具体示例请查看文件参数 git config --global https.proxy git submodule update --init --recursive
2021-09-05 08:49:38 210KB golang grpc tron trx
Chapter 1, Creating Your First Server in Go, explains how to write and interact with HTTP and TCP servers, optimize server responses with GZIP compression, and implement routing and logging in a Go web application. Chapter 2, Working with Templates, Static Files, and HTML Forms, covers how to create HTML templates; serve static resources from the filesystem; create, read, and validate HTML Forms; and implement a simple user authentication for a Go web application. Chapter 3, Working with Sessions, Error Handling, and Caching in Go, explores implementing HTTP sessions, HTTP cookies, error handling, and caching and managing HTTP sessions using Redis, which is required for a web application deployed across multiple data centers. Chapter 4, Writing and Consuming RESTful Web Services in Go, explains how to write RESTful web services, version them, and create AngularJS with TypeScript 2, ReactJS, and VueJS clients to consume them. Chapter 5, Working with SQL and NoSQL Databases, goes through implementing CRUD operations with MySQL and MongoDB databases in a Go web application. Chapter 6, Writing Microservices in Go Using Micro – a Microservice Toolkit, focuses on writing and working with the Protocol Buffers, using a microservice discovery client such as Consul, writing microservices using Go Micro, and interacting with them through command line and web dashboard, along with implementing the API gateway pattern to access the microservices over the HTTP protocol. Chapter 7, Working with WebSocket in Go, looks at writing a WebSocket server and its client as well as writing unit tests and debugging them using the GoLand IDE. Chapter 8, Working with the Go Web Application Framework - Beego, familiarizes setting up the Beego project architecture, writing controllers, views, and filters, implementing caching backed with Redis, and monitoring and deploying the Beego application with Nginx. Chapter 9, Working with Go and Docker, presents writing Docker images, creating Docker con
2021-09-04 01:56:52 9.28MB GO GOLANG WEB COOKBOOK
日本麻将助手 主要功能 对战时自动分析手牌,综合进张、打点等,给出推荐舍牌 有人立直或多副露时,显示各张牌的危险度 记录他家手切摸切 助手带你看牌谱,推荐每一打的进攻和防守选择 支持四人麻将和三人麻将 支持平台 雀魂网页版( | | ) 天凤( | ) 导航 其他功能说明 参与讨论 安装 分下面几步: 前往 releases 页面下载助手。解压到本地后打开。 雀魂需要浏览器允许本地证书,在浏览器地址栏中输入 chrome://flags/#allow-insecure-localhost,然后点击高亮那一项的「启用」按钮(若没有该项见此)。该功能仅限基于 Chrome 内核开发的浏览器。 (不同浏览器/版本的描述可能不一样,如果打开的页面是英文的话,高亮的就是 Allow invalid certificates for resources loaded from localhost,把
2021-09-03 19:54:59 1.47MB golang mahjong tenhou mahjong-algorithm
go1.10.8 linux下64位 最新安装包,解决最近出现的一个安全性问题,此 DoS 漏洞存在于 P-521 和 P-384 的 crypto/elliptic 实现中,攻击者利用此漏洞会导致消耗大量的 CPU 资源。
2021-09-03 17:23:11 97.45MB golang linux
GOWOG是一款用Golang编写的多人网页游戏。 感谢Golang,服务器可以同时处理大量玩家。
2021-09-01 15:38:23 4.4MB Go开发-游戏开发