In this paper, we propose a Floor-Ladder Framework(FLN) based on age evolution rules to generate beautified human faces. Beside the shape of faces, younger faces achieve more attractiveness. Thus we process the beautiful face by applying the reversed aging rules. Inspired by the layered optimization methods, the FLN adopts three floors and each floor contains two ladders: the Single Layer Older Neural Network (SLONN) and the extended Skull Model. The Peak Shift algorithm is designed to train the
2021-02-07 12:05:59 744KB Face Beautification Floor-Ladder Framework
Regression-based face alignment approach is fast and accurate but is always limited by the initial face. Aim at limitation of initialization in regression methods, this paper presents a novel two-stage framework named salient-points-guided face alignment. In rst stage, we use cascade regression framework to train a salient points (eye centers, nose, mouth corners) localization model. Then the salient points information is used as a guidance for search- ing the similar faces from training set. I
2021-02-07 12:05:58 2.3MB Face alignment · Salient
emojipedia-db::orange_book:Emojipedia —:grinning_face_with_big_eyes:Emojis数据库
2021-02-05 20:08:39 29KB emoji json Emoji
2021-02-05 15:10:15 652KB unit-testing r RR
一个完整的Angular入门项目 :smiling_face_with_heart-eyes: 表中的内容 入门 git clone new-project cd new-project yarn yarn start 开发服务器 润yarn start或ng serve的开发服务器。 导航到http://localhost:4200/ 。 如果您更改任何源文件,该应用程序将自动重新加载。 建立 运行yarn build或ng build来构建项目。 构建工件将存储在dist/目录中。 运行yarn build:prod或``ng build --prod`进行生产构建。 运行单元测试 运行yarn test或ng test以通过执行单元测试。 运行yarn test:coverage或ng test --code-coverage以进行测试覆盖 运行端到端测试 运行ng e2e以通过执行端到端测试。 进一步的帮助 要获得有关Angular CLI的更多帮助,请使用ng help
2021-02-03 14:05:46 7.77MB javascript angular typescript material-design
未来家具UI-Android 查看针对家具电子商务的App Design的新样式... :winking_face: :grinning_face: :beaming_face_with_smiling_eyes: :smiling_face_with_sunglasses: 屏幕截图 请点击下面的图片放大。 贡献 请分叉此存储库,并使用回馈。 任何贡献,无论大小,主要功能,错误修复,都受到欢迎和赞赏,但将对其进行全面审查。 联系-成为朋友 喜欢我们的Facebook页面 捐款 如果这个项目可以帮助您减少开发时间,可以给我一杯咖啡:)
2021-02-03 09:38:32 3.84MB android ui material-design android-application
C_OperatingSystem_Experiments:操作系统作业。 :winking_face:
2021-02-03 09:38:30 17.16MB thread os process operating-system
MaterialNavigationView-Android::mobile_phone:Android库,以实现丰富,美观,时尚的:smiling_face_with_heart-eyes:带有Material Design Guidelines的项目的Material Navigation View。 易于使用
2021-02-03 09:37:37 601KB android kotlin material-design material-ui
2021-02-02 20:36:42 269KB git emoji Git
awesome-wasi::smiling_face_with_sunglasses:与WebAssembly WASI生态系统有关的令人敬畏的事情的精选列表
2021-02-02 12:06:57 10KB lists list awesome webassembly